
2023-08-03 10:47:42 来源:万能知识网


钱包丢失登记A:May I help you?  B:My purse was lost. May I have it registered?  A:Sure. Could you fill out the lost property form?  B: OK.  A: Make sure you"ve written everything clearly.  B:I see.  A:有什么可以帮您的?  B:我的钱包丢了。我可以登记一下吗?  A:当然。你能填一下失物单吗?  B:可以。  A:请确定每一项都填写清楚。  B:我明白了。 认领背包A: Good morning.  B:Good morning. I"m informed that my bag was found by someone. Could I get it back now?  A:OK. Before you get it back, could you describe it?  B:It"s a black leather bag with a red flower on the cover. There"re two books and an umbrella in it.  A :What"s the name of the books?  B:One is mathematics; the other is a comic book. The umbrella is yellow.  A:早上好。  B:早上好。听说有人找到了我的包。我能拿回来吗?  A:好的。在您领回去之前,请您描述一下您的包?  B:是一只黑色皮制包,上面有一朵红色的花。包里面有两本书和一把伞。  A:书名是什么?  B:一本是数学,另一本是一本漫画书。伞是黄色的。认领背包(2)A : Oh!It"s really my bag!Thank you very much!  B : Our pleasure.  A:By the way,could I know who found my bag and brought it here? I"d like to give my personal appreciation to her or him.  B:OK, let me check. Sorry,there is no name registered here.  A:Oh,what a pity !  A:哦,这真的是我的包!非常感谢!  B:不客气。  A:顺便问一下,我能知道是谁找到它并把它送来的吗?我想向她或他当面致谢。  B:好的,我查一下。对不起,没有留名字  A:哦,很可惜。未找到遗失物品A:I"m sorry. We"ve checked our lost and Found list but I"m afraid your purse didn"t appear on the list.  B:Thank you for your help.  A:Would you please fill out the lost property form? So we can contact you if it"s located.  B:Thanks.  A:对不起。我们已经检查过我们的失物招领单,但是恐怕上面没有您的钱包。  B:谢谢你的帮忙。  A:您能填一下失物招领单吗?如果有人捡到了,我们可以联系您。  B:谢谢。
关键词: 失物招领 您的 钱包
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