射箭 英语怎么说

2023-08-05 10:56:09 来源:万能知识网


Archery射箭save the day解决难题;挽救颓势A:Despite his impressive performance,he still couldn"t save the day.   尽管他表现不凡,但仍然无法扭转局势。   B : What a pity.真可惜。   save the day意指设法解决难题,避免可能的失败或难堪的局面,意思与save the situation相似,但save the day较常见。 It"s time to…是该……的时候了。A : It"s time for you to give them a try.你应该试试看了。   B :Thanks coach,I won"t let you down.谢谢教练,我不会让你失望的。   It"s time to…后接动词原形,表示做某事的时候到了。如:It"s time to have lunch.该吃午饭了。 经典金句1·What do you think of archery?   你觉得射箭怎么样?   2. Do you know what the gold center is called?   你知道金色中心叫什么吗?   3. Is it difficult to aim at the target?   要瞄准难不难?   4. What are bows made of?   弓是由什么做成的?   5.Do you know why there are two arcchery fields there?   你知道为什么那儿有2个射箭场地吗?   6.The one on the right is for official competition and the one on the left is for training.   右边的是正式比赛用地,左边的是训练用地。 情景对话A:What are the basic individual qualities of the archer?   B:The basic individual qualifies include balance,concentration,coordination and a sense of timing.   A: In target archery, what are the distances in men"s competitions?   B:In men"s competitions, the distances of the target are thirty,fifty,seventy and ninety metres.   A:射箭运动员的个人基本素质是什么?   B:(个人)基本素质包括:平衡、注意力集中、协调和时间感。   A:男子室外射箭比赛的距离是多少?   B:男子项目比赛,靶的距离是30米、50米、70米和90米。 高频词汇aiming sight 瞄准器   archer 射箭手   bowstring 弓弦   bracing the bow 张弓   bull"s-eye 靶心   butt 靶架   crossbow 十字弓   draw 引弓 以上是由广州韦博英语小编为您整理的射箭 英语怎么说的全部内容。
关键词: 英语 的是 是由
x 广告
x 广告

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