分手的英语——经典句子Why do we keep fighting a lot recently? 近我们为什么总吵架? You badly messed up with your relationship? 你恋爱搞砸了? Things have changed. I think we need to talk. 事情已经变化了,我们需要谈谈。 I still like you as a person. Can we remain friends? 我还是挺喜欢你这个人的。我们还能做朋友吗? I think it is time for us to break up. 我真的觉得我们应该分手了。 No matter how bitter a break up is, you will get through it after a period of time. 无论分手有多痛苦,时间会让你跨过这道坎。 On the eve of their wedding, she gets cold feet and decides to break up with her fiance Peter. 结婚前,她临阵退缩,与未婚夫皮特分手了。 I want to stay friends... can"t we at least try? 我还想做朋友……难道我们至少不能再试一下吗? We"re not getting back together. 我们不会再走到一起了。 My boyfriend and I split up, after two years. 我的男朋友和我恋爱两年后分手了。 Maybe there"s still a chance for reconciliation. 也许还有机会和解的。 We ended our relationship because we found a lot of differences with each other. 我们分手了,因为我们发现我们有太多的不同。 您想要提高英语口语?懂英语,会英语是关键哦!上面就是我们西安美联英语为您分享分手的英语的相关句子。要是想学更全面,更专业的英语知识----欢迎来到西安美联英语!