
2023-08-14 10:49:57 来源:万能知识网


初级例句Are they breakable?  它们容易碎吗?  (串烧点点通:breakable会破的;脆的;容易碎的).  Are they light in weight?  它们轻吗?  It was made in Jindezhen.  它产于景德镇。  It must be most precious.  那肯定十分昂贵。  No wonder it"s so expensive.  怪不得这么贵。中级例句Do you like such plants/animals woven with bamboo sticks?  您喜欢这种用竹蔑编成的动/植物吗?  Where do these flower vases come from?  这些花瓶是哪里生产的?  (短语点点通:flower vase花瓶)  Jingdezhen is called" the capital of porcelain".  景德镇被称为瓷都。  Jindezhen chinaware is the cream of domestic goods.  景德镇瓷器,国货精华。  (短语点点通:chinaware<总称)陶瓷器cream精华;精彩的部分).  You"re made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual.  您真是好眼力,这种陶瓷茶具不同寻常。  I"d like to buy a cloisonne vase with alight blue background.  我想买一个景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。  This is the very thing I"ve been dreaming of.  这正是我梦寐以求的东西。  It is the best quality procelain-the famous egg-shell china.  这种瓷器质量比较好,是知名的薄胎瓷器。  They are not only ornamental ,but also useful.  它们不但其有装饰性,而且实用。  (短语点点通:ornamental装饰的;作装饰用的)  Blue and white porcelain has a white base with blue designs.  青花瓷是一种白地蓝花的瓷器。高级例句Porcelain is one of the great inventions of ancient China and it became known as "China" in English.  多姿多彩的瓷器是中国古代的伟大发明之一,“瓷器”与“中国”在英语中同为一词。  Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories:practical and artistic.  一般来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。  (短语点点通:ceramics 陶瓷)  I looked into the window of the antique shop and a pair of china tigers immediately caught my fancy.  我朝古玩店的橱窗望去,一对瓷器小虎立刻吸引了我。  This handiwork shop sells porcelain produced in the town of Jingde.  这家工艺品店出售景德镇的瓷器。  (短语点点通:handiwork手工制品;手工艺品)  The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks.  这些花瓶是瓷器做的,上面有细竹丝。
关键词: 瓷器 景德镇 短语
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