面试时表明自己的能力:I"m very careful in my job. 我工作非常认真。 I can easily build team spirit among my coworkers. 我可以轻松地在同事之间建立起团队精神。 I work well under pressure. 我在压力之下仍然可以工作得很好。 I know how to collect the information critical to the decision making process. 我知道怎样收集对决策过程至关重要的信息。 It"s not difficult to get along with different people. 与不同的人处理好关系并不难。 To get used to new environment isn"t difficult for me. 适应期环境对我来说并不太难。 I"m confident in this area. 我在这个领域非常在行。 I can take the job that bothers other people. 我能承担别人认为麻烦的工作。 I know that like back of my hand. 我对这方面了如指掌。
万用表达金句1.What is your great strength? 你主要的优点是什么? 2.Why do you think you are the best person on this job? 你为什么觉得你是这个工作的人选? 3.I"m very competent in this area. 这个领域我是很有能力来胜任的。 4.How do you think of working under pressure? 你怎么看待在压力下工作? 5.Are you a follower or a leader? 你是一个追随者还是一个领导? 6.cooperate with someone 与某人合作
情景对话A:What is your great strength? B:I think I"m very good at planning.I manage my time perfectly,so that I can always get things done on time. A:Why do you think you are the best person on this job? B:Because I"m very competent in this area. A:Are you working under pressure? B:Yes,I work well under pressure,however,I believe that planning and probable management of my time can reduce the pressure. A:Are you a follower or a leader? B:I don"t try to go ahead of people and lead them.I"d rather cooperate with other guys and get the job done by working together. A:你主要的优点是什么? B:我想我很擅长规划,善于
管理时间。所以我总是能按时完成任务。 A:你为什么觉得你是这个工作的人选? B:因为在这个领域我是很有能力来胜任的。 A:你是在压力下工作吗? B:是的,但是在压力下我工作很好,不管怎样,我相信合理的规划和管理好自己的时间就能减少压力的想法。 A:你是一个跟随者还是一个领导者? B:我不会试看走在别人的前面领导他们,我更愿意和其他人合作,大家一起努力把工作做完。