
2023-08-18 10:57:32 来源:万能知识网


北京韦博英语分享日常英语口语大全,通过英语口语对话能够在潜移默化中提高英语口语,同时也适用于增加英语词汇量。北京韦博英语选取了生活中容易出现麻烦的场景,向大家介绍简单实用的生活英语。本篇是:机场常用英语对话。   After the successful negotiation, the staff of the Chinese company see the foreign guest off at the airport.   谈判成功后,中方工作人员在机场为外宾送行。   想要熟悉机场常用英语对话,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,北京韦博英语小编为大家整理了一些机场常用英语对话的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。   A: Thanks for seeing me off. I"ve always been dreaming to see with my own eyes China"s achievements and now I am here.   B: Thank you. We are happy that we have established business relations with you. I really hope that we"ll have more business to do and more opportunities to meet each other.   A: OK, no problem. And I can assure you that we will have more orders in the near future.   B: I am very glad to hear that. I think our cooperation will be a successful one.By the way, what is your flight number?   A: It is UAL-1699.   B: When will it take off?   A: I think it is 10:10.   B: Little time has left. Oh, they are announcing this flight.   A: I have to say goodbye now, but before that, I would like to, on behalf of my company, thank you again for everything you have done.   B: You are welcome. Hope you have a good journey home.   A: Thank You. Bye-Bye.   对英语千万不要一知半解的,北京韦博英语小编为您整理机场常用英语对话的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。   A:谢谢您送我,我一直想要亲眼看看中国的发展成果,现在我见到了。   B:谢谢,很高兴与您建立了贸易关系,我特别希望以后我们能有更多的贸易往来,以及更多的见面机会。   A:好的,没问题。而且我可以向你确保,不久以后我们会发出更多的订单。   B:听到您这么说,我太高兴了,我想我们的合作一定会成功的,顺便问一下,您的航班号是多少?   A: UAL-1699.   B:什么时候起飞?   A:我想是10:10。   B:没多少时间了,哦,在广播本次航班了。   A:我得说再见了,但是说再见之前,我希望代表我们公司,再次感谢您所做的一切。   B:您太客气了,希望您旅途愉快。   以上就是北京韦博英语小编为您整理的机场常用英语对话,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。
关键词: 英语 北京 机场
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