摆姿势英语怎么说?资料整理:广州韦博英语培训更多关注:广州英语培训课程 姿势[zī shì] 英语:posture; gesture; attitude; gesticulation; poise ; 摆姿势 pose ;
摆好姿势square off get ready to fight sb.摆好格斗的架势: The leftist parties squared of jtheir position by calling a one-day general strike. 左翼政党发动一日总罢工,摆出决斗的姿势。 square up stand as if one is prepared to fight sb.摆好打架的姿势: The fighters squared up and began to trade blows.拳击手摆好姿势,开始对击。 The Ready Position
准备姿势Stand in the ready position to wait for your opponent to hit the ball. Stand with your feet shoulder一width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold your racket and be ready to jump. 等待对方击球时,以准备姿势站立。两脚张开与肩同宽,双膝微曲。双手握拍,随时准备好起跳。 标签: