时尚潮流英语A: Look at your clothes, they are out of fashion. B: May be, but I don"t care whether they are fashionable or not. A:看看你的穿着,很落伍。 B:可能吧,但是我不在乎穿着是否时尚。 A: This is the most popular style. B: OK, it seems that I don"t know what fashion is. A:这是现在流行的款式。 B:好吧,看样子我不懂时尚。 A: You don"t know what vintage style is? B: Yes, you know I"m a back number. A:你不知道什么是复古风? B:是啊,你也知道我是个落伍的人。 A: Your style is behind the times. B: Compared with fashion, I care more about whether it is comfortable or not. A:你的风格落伍了。 B:与流行相比,我更关心它舒不舒服。 A: I think I"m a laggard. B: No, look at what youwear. They are the most" IN" ones. A:我觉得我挺落伍的。 B:不,看看你的穿着都是流行的。 A: I have no idea about what fashion is. B: In fact, different people define fashion differently. A:我对流行没有概念。 B:事实上,每个人对流行的界定都不同。 A: This winter the most popular color is red. B: Well, at least there are not many people wear red clothes now. A:今年冬天,流行的颜色是红色。 B:可是,至少现在没有很多人穿红色的衣服。
常见服装风格的英文表达*vintage style 复古风 *hippie style 嬉皮风 *simple style 简约风 *Bohemian style 波西米亚风 *Goth style 哥特式风格 *Rococo 洛可可风 *Mashup style 混搭风 以上是由