光污染的英语怎么写呢?What is light pollution什么是光污染Light pollution, also known as photo pollution or luminous pollution, is excessive or obtrusive artificial light.The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) defines light pollution as:Any adverse effect of artificial light including sky glow, glare, light trespass, light clutter, decreased visibility at night, and energy waste.This approach confuses the cause and its result, however. Pollution is the adding-of/added light itself, in analogy to added sound, carbon dioxide, etc. Adverse consequences are multiple; some of them may be not known yet. Scientific definitions thus include the following:Alteration of natural light levels in the outdoor environment owing to artificial light sources.Light pollution is the alteration of light levels in the outdoor environment (from those present naturally) due to man-made sources of light. Indoor light pollution is such alteration of light levels in the indoor environment due to sources of light, which compromises human health.Light pollution is the introduction by humans, directly or indirectly, of artificial light into the environment.The first two of the above three scientific definitions describe the state of the environment. The third (and newest) one describes the process of polluting by light.Light pollution obscures the stars in the night sky for city dwellers, interferes with astronomical observatories, and, like any other form of pollution, disrupts ecosystems and has adverse health effects. Light pollution can be divided into two main types: (1) annoying light that intrudes on an otherwise natural or low-light setting and (2) excessive light (generally indoors) that leads to discomfort and adverse health effects. Since the early 1980s, a global dark-sky movement has emerged, with concerned people campaigning to reduce the amount of light pollution.Light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. Its sources include building exterior and interior lighting, advertising, commercial properties, offices, factories, streetlights, and illuminated sporting venues. It is most severe in highly industrialized, densely populated areas of North America, Europe, and Japan and in major cities in the Middle East and North Africa like Tehran and Cairo, but even relatively small amounts of light can be noticed and create problems. Like other forms of pollution (such as air, water, and noise pollution) light pollution causes damage to the environment.光污染(light pollution)问题最早于二十世纪三十年代由国际天文(astronomy)界提出,他们认为光污染是城市室外照明(exterior illumination)使天空发亮造成对天文观测(celestial observation)的负面的影响。后来英美等国称之为“干扰光”(obtrusive light),在日本则称为“光害”(light damage)。目前,国内外对于光污染并没有一个明确的定义。现在一般认为,光污染泛指影响自然环境,对人类正常生活、工作、休息和娱乐带来不利影响,损害人们观察物体的能力,引起人体不舒适感和损害人体健康的各种光。从波长(wavelength)十纳米(nanometer)至一毫米的光辐射(optical radiation),即紫外辐射(ultraviolet radiation),可见光(visible light)和红外辐射(ultra-red radiation),在不同的条件下都可能成为光污染源(light pollutant source)。依据不同的分类原则,光污染可以分为不同的类型。国际上一般将光污染分成三类,即白亮污染(white light pollution)、人工白昼(artificial daylight)和彩光污染。