租车期限A: How many days do you want the car? B : Five days. A:All right. It"s 11 a. m. now. Please return the car by 11 a. m. on October 10th. B : Yes, but will I be charged for an extra day if I"m late? A:Yes. Here is your key. The car is parked over there. The yellow one on Spot 50. A:你想租几天? B:五天。 A:好,现在是上午11点。请在10月10号的11点之前还回来。 B:好。但如果我超时的话,还要收我另一天的费用吗? A:是的。给你车钥匙。车停在那里。黄色的那辆,在50号车位。
租车交保险A:I"d like to have full insurance. How much is it per day? B : That will be 10 dollars per day. A:AIl right. Could I drop the car at any of your offices? B:Of course you could. A:我想交全额险。每天收费多少钱? B:每天10元。 A:好的。我可以把车归还到你们任何一个分支机构吗? B:当然可以。
租自动挡车A:Can!book an automatic car? B:Sure,but what time do you want to have it? A:Tomorrow morning by seven o"clock. B:OK. A:What"s the daily rate? B:150 dollars a day including mileage. A:Do you have any special rates? B:No,we haven"t unless holiday. A:Should I pay for the hiring charge beforehand? B: Yes,pay in advance. How many days do you want to book? A:Three days. B:AII right,I"ll do as you have said. A:我能租一辆自动换挡的车吗? B:当然可以,你何时用车? A:明天早上7点钟用。 B:好的。 A:租一天要多少钱? B:包括里程费一天150美元。 A:有特价吗? B:只有假日才有特价。 A:我要预付车费吗? B:是的,你要预先支付车费。你要租用几天? A:租3天。 B:好的,我将按你的要求安排。