化学污染(chemical pollution)是指由于化学物质(化学品)进入环境后造成的环境污染,即因化学污染物引起的环境污染。这些化学物质有有机物和无机物,它们大多是由人类活动或人工制造的产品,也有二次污染物。由于环境污染而带来的危害是多方面的,其中与人类健康直接相关的是环境对食品的污染。由于化学有机污染物的慢性长期摄入造成的潜在食源性危害已成为人们的关注焦点,包括农药残留、兽药残留、霉菌毒素、食品加工过程中形成的某些致癌和致突变物(如亚硝胺等)以及工业污染物,如人们所熟知的二恶英等。那么,
化学污染英语怎么说呢?What is chemical pollution in agricultural什么是农业中的化学污染Chemical pollutants include a variety of substances created through combustion such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, lead, and sulfur. In addition, substances such as CFCs are considered to be chemical pollutants.Chemical pollution is emitted on a daily basis by thermal power plants, cars, mines, refineries, and other similar manufacturing facilities. Cement and metal processing such as that used to create steel also add chemical pollutants to the atmosphere, as does the manufacture of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals.Many nations have enacted pollution control laws designed to reduce factory emissions through the use of filters and modernized facilities.Detergent as chemical pollutant:Detergent which we use in the washing are non biodegradable and when present in the environment they do not decay and will be present in the environment for ever. So Detergent are a major sources of pollution in the water bodies. They are to be properly treated before releasing to the environment.Insecticide as chemical pollutant:Insecticide we use like DDT is potentially harmful to the human being. The use of chemical insecticide is more increasing due to the pressure on the land. More produce is expected from the given land, so use of large scale insecticide is imminent. So when the residual insecticide is not treated properly it goes into the ecosystem and it is not clearly by the environment very easily. When they are present in the environment they get into the food chain and can cause many diseases like cancer.Heavy metal as chemical pollutant: Many heavy metals like Mercury, Chromium, lead is highly poisonous to the health. When they are present in the parts they are highly dangerous. They may cause many diseases including cancer and asthma Chromium which is mainly used in the lead tanneries, is the major pollutant of the water when the effluent of the tanneries are lead out into the water bodies. They affect aqueous living organism affecting the ecosystem.Until the 1950s most farming was carried out on smaller family farms that used organic fertilizers and essentially their waste production was easily assimilated by soils and receiving water bodies. The period post 1950 has seen a worldwide shift to larger monoculture, intensively operated farm units. The farm yields have increased dramatically, however, to sustain the increasing yields and productivity farms are using large quantities of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. At the same time, deforestation has occurred on a large scale since the 1950s and the deforested land has been converted to agricultural (mostly in developing countries) and urban (both developed and undeveloped countries) land uses. Also, a massive shift of population from rural areas to the cities has occurred in developing countries since the 1950s. Surface and groundwater quality degradation due to agricultural practices and conversion of land to agriculture can be categorized as follows: a) degradation due to land use conversion from native lands to agriculture; b) increased erosion and soil loss due to agricultural practices; c) chemical pollution by fertilizers and pesticides; and d) pollution from animal operations. Abatement of agricultural diffuse sources of pollution can and must be conducted in the context of moving toward sustainable agriculture. Some trends toward sustainable agriculture are already emerging in the US and Europe.食品污染(food pollution)是指食品在生产(包括农作物种植crops planting和动物饲养animal feeding、兽医治疗veterinarian treatment)、加工(process)、包装(package)和贮运(storage)过程中非故意加入食品中的物质,包括环境污染和生产加工过程中产生的(如霉菌毒素mycotoxin)。随着研究的深入,人们发现,从20世纪60年代开始广泛应用于工、农业中的各种化学制剂(chemical agent)、化肥(fertilizer)、高效杀虫剂(pesticide) 对环境的污染,导致了人类生殖力(fertility)下降,这些化学物质能够干扰人类雌雄激素(estrogen and androgen)分子。据统计,到20世纪末的50年间,男性的精子(sperm)数量减少了50%,甚至有人认为人类如果不加以控制,最后会被自己创造的化学物质所消灭。尽管这有点危言耸听,但环境中化学物质的危害应该引起高度重视。