
2023-01-31 10:36:06 来源:教育联播网



A: Excuse me, but which bus do I take to get to A Garden? B: Let me see. From here, you car take Bus No.9. A: Sorry, where is the bus stop? B: Go straight along this road and turn left. You can"t miss it. A: And where should I get off? B: First Avenue. A: Are the stops announced? B: Certainly. Or when you see the garden, you can get off the nexi stop. A: Thank you very much for your help. B: You"re welcome. The route board can tell you more. A: You"re so helpful. B: Don"t go past your stop. A: Thanks for reminding me. B: Have a nice day!

A:打扰了,我该坐什么车去A花园? B:让我看看。从这里你可以坐9路公交车去。 A:对不起,公交车站在哪里? B:沿这条路直走,然后向左转。你不会错过的。 A:那么我该在哪儿下车呢? B:第一大街。 A:车里会报站吗? B:当然。或者当你看到花园了,下一站你就可以下车了。 A:非常感谢你的帮助。 B:不客气。站牌会告诉你更多信息的。 A:你帮了我大忙。 B:别坐过了站。 A:多谢你的提醒。 B:玩得开心! 以上就是韦博英语为您分享的公交站牌英语怎么说,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到韦博英语。
x 广告
x 广告

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