environment n.环境A new student often has to adapt to a very different environment with unfamiliar rules, teaching styles and norms of behaviour, all without the support of the classmates he or she has grown up with. 新生常常只能自己去适应一个规章制度、教学方式和行为规范都不熟悉且非常不同的环境。而所有这些适应过程都得不到一同成长的同学的帮忙。
outside n.局外人Considering these factors, it is not at all unusual for a new student to feel a bit like an outsider at first. 考虑到这些因素,新生刚开始或多或少会觉得自己像个局外人的这种感觉是很自然的。
adjust v.调节However, some students have more trouble adjusting than others. 然而,有些学生比其他学生更难进行调节。
case n.事实,情况But this does not have to be the case. 可是也不一定是这种情况。
avoid v.避免Schools can help new students to solve these problems and even to avoid them in the first place in the following ways. 学校可以帮助新生解决这些问题,甚至可以在一开始就用下面的方法来避免这些问题。
orientation n.(为熟悉新工作或活动的)培训准备 First, the school should provide orientation programmes for new students. 首先,学校应对新生进行新生培训。
source n.来源With information about academic requirements, school regulations, activities, clubs and sources of help, new students could avoid many problems. 如果知道学业方面的要求、校规、活动、社团和寻求帮助的渠道等相关信息,新生就可以避免很多问题。
mentor n.指导者Second, a peer mentor programme would help new students to feel athome more quickly. 第二,同伴辅导计划会帮助新生更快地熟悉环境。
valuable adj.有用的By assigning other students to assist the transfer students on a one-to-one basis, the school would provide them with a valuable source of support and information. 通过指派另外的同学(担任辅导员),以一对一的方式来帮助转学生,学校就能提供给他们有用的来源以获取支持和信息。
adjustment n.调整Third, individual counselling services should be made available to those students who find that they still have trouble making the adjustment to the new environment. 第三,个别咨询服务应该向那些在适应新环境方面仍有困难的学生开放。
environment n.环境To sum up, the most important way to help transfer students adjust to their new environment is to ensure that they do not feel alone. 总之,帮助转学生适应新环境重要的方法就是要确保他们不会觉得孤单。 以上是由