
2023-02-05 10:34:58 来源:教育快播网


学好英语首先要先积累大量的英语词汇,在积累中不断巩固与提高;有了丰富的词汇做你的后盾,阅读考试便有如信手拈花,游刃有余。以下是由小编为大家整理的犯罪用英语怎么说。 crime n.犯罪[用]commit crime犯罪   corporate crime企业犯罪conventional crime常见的犯罪crime scene犯罪现场[情景再现]The employees may not even realise they"re committing a crime.   职员可能甚至都没有意识到他们正在犯罪。   theft n.偷窃,盗窃[拓]thief n.小偷   [用]thieves"car窃贼用车   [同]burglary n.盗窃行为   [用]car theft偷车   [情景再现]However,all studies of corporate crime agree that the individuals are in fact deprived of far more money by such crime than they are by conventional crime like robbery and theft.   但是,所有关于企业犯罪的研究表明,事实上个体被这种犯罪所剥夺的钱要远远多于如抢劫和偷窃这类传统的犯罪。   robbery n.抢劫[拓]rob v.抢劫   [用]rob ...... of..…抢劫   robber n.抢劫犯[用]The Great Train Robbery《火车大劫案》(电影名).   [情景再现]Now there was a real possibility of having films of more than two or three minutes,and this led to the making of The Great Train Robbery.   现在制作一部二、三分钟以上的电影是可能的,因此有了《火车大劫案》这部电影。   steal v.偷盗[拓]stolen adj.偷走的   [用]steal...... from...…从……偷窃…….   [情景再现]The problem was that the car was stolen.   问题就是车被盗了。   victim n.受害者[拓]witness n.目击者V.目击   [情景再现]They"re unaware that they"ve been victims of a crime.   他们没有意识到他们已经成为了罪行的受害者。   illegal adj.非法的[用]illegal profit非法收益   [反] legal adj.合法的   [情景再现]Now small amounts like this may seem insignificant for individual customers-too small to worry about-but for the company this deception might result in massive illegal profit.   对于一个顾客来说这不算什么,太少以至于顾客不会在意,但是对于公司来说,这种欺骗会带来大量的非法收益。 以上是由广州易藤教育小编为您整理的广州易藤教育的全部内容。
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