
2023-02-12 10:38:24 来源:教育快报网


无论在中国还是外国,寻找房源是租房子的第一步。怎样才能找到自己满意的房子呢?现在网络很发达,通过网络与电话是很方便的方式,然后再有选择地去看房才会更有效率。其次去中介也是方法之一,可以将你的要求告诉中介,他会在你的要求之下选择最合适的房子,唯一不足就是中介会收一定的中介费用。还有一种方式就是去小区或小巷子里直接去找,好处是可以确定自己想找的区域,但无疑这也是最累的一种。那么,找房子英语怎么读呢?1.给点建议A:My landlord is coming back to live.So I have to go apartment hunting.A:我的房东要回来住了,所以我得去找住处。B:I feel sorry for you.It"s a jungle out there.B:真同情你,这事很费劲啊。A:Can you give me any pointers?A:能给我点儿建议吗?B:I guess one thing I can do is to ask around for you and see if anyone someplace to rent knows.B:我觉得我能做的一件事就是帮你四处问问,看有没有人听说过有地方出租。A:Thank you.I think I should also have a look at the bulletin boards on campus to see if anyone"s got a sublet.A:谢谢。我想我也得到校园里的告示板那儿看看有没有人转租。2.去中介A:Is this Golden Star Real Estate Agency?A:请问这里是金星房地产中介吗?B:Yes.What can I do for you?B:是的,您有什么事情吗?A:How much will an apartment cost here?A:这里租公寓要多少钱?B:That depends.Do you want a studio or a onebedroom apartment?B:那要看什么样的房子了。你想要个整套的公寓还是要个只有一间卧室的住房。A:Two bedrooms.I want it furnished.A:要带两个卧室的,并且有家具。3.找租房子的广告A:Hi,Brian.Where do I find the ads for apartments? A:你好,布莱恩,到哪儿去找租房子的广告? B:You can look at the newspaper"s classified section. B:看报纸上的广告栏。 A:The apartments there are mostly far from school. A:那里的广告大多是离学校很远的。 B:There is a housing office at our school as well,inside the Student Center. B: 学生中心有一个租房办。 A: That must be a good place to find housing. A:是,我去试一试。4.看到广告A:Hello,I saw your ad in the paper... A:喂,我在报纸上看到了你们的广告…… B:About the apartments? Which one are you interested in? B:求租公寓的吗?你想要哪一种? A:The studio.What is a studio apartment? A:一居室。一居室是什么样子的? B:It"s a oneroom apartment with a small kitchen. B:是一个房间加一个小厨房的公寓。 A:And the bathroom? A:那浴室呢? B:It"s got a pretty nice bathroom. B:有一个很不错的浴室。5.朋友介绍A:Good morning,may I help you? A:早上好,有什么可以帮忙的吗? B:A friend told me I might find a room here. B:我的朋友告诉我,这里有房子租。 A:Yes.That"s a onebedroom apartment.You may look at it now. A:是的,是一个一居室的小公寓。你现在可以看一下。 B:OK. B:好的。
x 广告
x 广告

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