常用词句aircraft (production) factory飞机制造厂aircraft industry飞机制造业 arms/armament/ordnance factory/plant兵工厂. art handicrafts workshop 工艺美术厂. atomic power plant 原子能发电厂 auto (mobile) factory/plant汽车制造厂 automate a plant使工厂白动化 automated plant自动化工厂 bakery and confectionery 食品厂 bicycle plant自行车厂 boiler factory锅炉厂 brewery 酒厂,啤酒厂 bricks and tiles plant/brick works砖瓦厂 broadcasting equipment plant广播器材厂 building company建筑公司 building industry建筑工业
canning plant 罐头食品制造厂car industry汽车工业 carpet company地毯厂 cement plant/works水泥厂 ceramics industry 制陶工业 chemical fertilizer plant 化肥厂. chemical industry化学工业 chemical works/plant化工厂 close/shut down a factory/a works 关闭 clothing industry服装业 clothing/garment factory/plant服装厂 coal industry煤炭业 coffee plant咖啡厂 cotton mill棉纺厂 crane factory 起重机 cutting instrument plant刀具厂
dairy industry 乳品业dairy/milk products plant乳品厂 defence industry国防工业 diesel engine plant 柴油机厂 direct/manage/operate a factory
管理工厂 dyestuff plant 染料厂 electric machinery plant电机厂 electric wire and cable factory电缆厂 enamel plant 搪瓷厂 erect/set up/build a factory建造工厂
ferrous metals industry 黑色金属毛业.film dubbing studio 电影译制. rfilm studio电影制片厂 food industry食品工业 food plant食品厂 furniture plant木器厂 glass factory/works玻璃厂 heat and power plant热电厂 heavy industry重工业 heavy machine building industry重型机械制造工业