
2023-03-15 10:45:36 来源:教育之星


雅思小作文中经常会出现书信的形式,而要想拿到高分,就的首先了解雅思书信格式是怎么样的,为此深圳启德教育小编特收集整理雅思书信格式介绍,分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助,本篇是雅思g类书信范文。   You feel that the streets around your neighborhood are too dirty and have too much rubbish.   Write a letter to the local Council. In your letter   say who you are   explain the problem and its effects on your life   give suggestions on how to solve the problem 高分范文Dear Sir/Madam.My name is Johnson Smith and I am a local resident in this neighborhood.   Recently I found that the streets near my house are so dirty so I write this letter to you and hope that you could solve the problem as soon as possible.   Recently, several homeless people have come to this community and they throw rubbish wherever they go. Therefore, the streets are in a mess which makes the inhabitants around very uncomfortable. In fact. the waste in the streets stinks all day round and it makes air quality increasingly worse. Additionally, dustmen are supposed to clean the streets but they never show up. What"s worse. someone even slipped and got injured due to the rubbish in the street.   Thus. I suggest that your Council take effective measures to solve the problem.Could you please enact strict regulations on the management of homeless people? Or could you send dustmen regularly to sweep the streets in the neighborhood? Or maybe you have better ways to make the streets clean.   I look forward to your prompt reply. Yours sincerely,Johnson Smith深圳启德教育小编为大家整理雅思g类书信范文中的高分词汇,帮助大家理解范文,同时建议大家多学习范文中高分词汇的用法,拿下高分。 inhabitant 居民,居住者The city has inhabitants of 5 million. stink 发出臭味He hadn"t washed for over a week and stank to high heaven(=greatly). additionally 加之,又Additionally(=also).we request a deposit of $200 in advance.   以上就是深圳启德教育小编为大家整理的雅思g类书信范文,建议在话题内容、结构框架、文字素材方面进行全面归纳。
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