常用词句a brown leaf棕色树叶a fair harvest还算不错的收成 a golden yellow金黄色 a maple leaf一片枫叶 a peak harvest高产量 a average harvest一般的收成 abundant/ample/bountiful/bumper/good/ rich/plentiful harvest丰收 at the grape harvest在葡萄收获季节 bad/poor/scanty/wretched harvest歉收 blow off the leaves把树叶吹落 brown slowly渐渐变黄 date 枣 date tree枣树 drop/shed its leaves落叶
expect/anticipate a bumper harvest可望获得丰收.fall off(树叶)凋落 flame with color(树林)红似火 gather (in) a harvest收获庄稼 in early/late autumn在初/晚秋 in the autumn of 2010在2010的秋天 midautumn 仲秋 persimmon 柿,柿树 promise a large apple harvest苹果丰收在望. reach the autumn of one"s life已近垂暮之年. reap/bring in a good cotton harvest获得棉花丰收. rip off dead leaves扯去枯叶 ripe 熟的,成熟的 ripe for harvest可以收割
shrivel up 卷缩枯萎sweep up dead leaves in autumn扫秋天的枯叶. the autumn harvest秋收 the coming autumn即将来临的秋天 the hopping/leaping/jumping grasshopper蹦跳的蚱蜢. the time of harvest收割季节 tinted autumnal leaves红红的秋叶 turn yellow in autumn在秋天变黄 turn yellow变黄 water chestnut菱,菱角