雅思高分作文范文Sample 1You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Write at least 250 words. The evolution of civilization has driven human beings to have more interactivitywith the earth, which unavoidably brings about side effects leading to environmentalproblems. In view of this century-long issue, some people now argue that given theincreasingly large scale that environmental problems have impacted, to address themthrough international coordination rather than through individuals" efforts seems to bethe only viable strategy. However, I find this claim only partly true. Nowadays, some environmental problems have become escalated, such as globalwarming and nuclear proliferation. To tackle such formidable issues, it is not theobligation of one single country but that of the global community as a whole. Takeglobal warming for example. A number of international organizations have been set up and convened meetings to urge countries to curb their greenhouse gas emission. As isoften the case, various international conventions and protocols have been drawn up forthe sake of legalizing such efforts. This justifies the necessity of a concerted action atinternational level. Nevertheless, to implement the agreements, the efforts from individual countriesand people have turned out to be indispensable. A case in point is the anti-nuclearproliferation campaign. Should individual countries not abide by the relevant articles ofapplicable conventions and keep on what they are doing regardless, those internationalefforts would definitely become futile and unworkable. And even for the reduction ofglobal warming, individual people can also make a collective contribution to it. Forexample, if one person could keep his or her tires properly inflated, his or her gasmileage would then be improved by more than 3 percent, which means keeping 20pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. In conclusion, international synergistic action and individuals" efforts arecomplementary to, rather than replacing, each other in terms of addressingenvironmental issues. They together represent a holistic approach that we should utilisein the future.Sample 2You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Write at least 250 words。 It is ironic that when average life expectancy becomes longer worldwide, people insome countries tend to be heavier with declining health and fitness. This phenomenonhas aroused widespread concern. In this essay, I will analyze some possible causes ofthis problem and then propose some solutions. It is evident that being overweight is a byproduct of modern society. People haveeasy access to various affordable foods and are therefore prone to over eating. Inaddition, the development of technology makes people become housebound. Forexample, people can sit for hours watching TV or playing online games. Anotherillustration of this point is the popularity of private cars, which has remarkably reducedthe need and opportunity for people to walk. With the percentage of overweight or obese people continuously increasing, therelated health problems are capturing people"s attention. It has been scientifically proven that obesity brings serious diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease andpsychological disorders, just to name a few. All of the aforementioned would definitelyshorten people"s life expectancy. Given the reasons for weight gain that are revealed above, the correspondingsolutions are not difficult to seek. In the first place, a low carbon life style should headvocated. For example, individuals should abandon private cars and taxis, and choosepublic transportations; people could also reduce the excessive use of computers andengage in outdoor activities. In the second place, heavy taxes should he levied onunhealthy fast foods. Thus, their consumption would he curbed as they become lessaffordable. In the meantime, more low-calorie foods should he offered on the market. In sum, several factors contribute to obesity and its adverse consequences. I amconvinced that we need to take effective measures, including promotion of a low carbonlifestyle and tax regulations, to alleviate this modern-day problem.Sample 3You should spend 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Write at least 250 words. With the increase of crime rate in our society nowadays, there has been muchdebate on the ways to reduce crime. Some people suggest that criminals should be sentto prison for longer; while others argue that there could be better options. In this essay,I will examine both views regarding this issue before providing my own opinion. It is evidently reasonable for some to argue that longer prison sentences would helpreduce crimes. For one thing, the tougher penalty could deter many potential offendersas they will be punished more heavily for breaking the law. Hence, it is very likely thatthey would reconsider committing the act in the first place. For another, this ensuresthat comparatively more criminals are kept out of society for a longer period of time socrime will decrease in the short term. However, this punishment is problematic too. First, simply keeping criminals in jaillonger cannot ensure that they will not revert to crime once released. Moreover, manyprisoners tend to become institutionalised and do not possess skills required to find a job when they get out, thus they will have immense difficulty readapting to normalsocial life. As a result, many have argued that instead of elongating prison sentences,other methods may he more effective, such as providing education and job training,which will help transform prisoners into responsible and law-abiding citizens with basicskills for future employment. Having considered the arguments of both views, my conclusion is that instead ofprolonging the imprisonment, other ways such as education and skills training canbe more effective in preventing prisoners from re-committing crimes. Also, I wouldargue that it seems highly advisable for government to complete legislation, tightensupervision, and promote social equity so as to reduce crime on the whole.Copyright 2015-2022 魔方网版权所有 备案号:京ICP备2022018928号-48 联系邮箱:315 54 11 85 @ qq.com