1 form 表格 2 draft 汇票;草图 3 commercial 商业的;营利的 4 withdraw (从银行)取(钱) 5 interest 利息
记忆点拨"form”是个多义词,它可以指组,形式,形状,表格,亦可有双重词性,作为动词有构成之意。作为词根可扩展为形容词一former从前的,前者的;formal正式的;拘谨的;formalized形式化的;名词一formal正式的社交活动;formalism形式主义;常用词组;in the form of以……的形式;take the form 表现为……的形式;fill in the form填写表格。
单词延伸1 form former 从前的,前者的 formal 正式的;拘谨的 formalism 形式主义 formative 形成的(时期、经历). 2 draft drafter 起草者 drafting 起草;制图起草;制图 overdraft 透支 remittee 汇款领取人 3 commercial commerce 贸易,商业 business 商业;[贸易]生意 profitable 有利可图的;赚钱的. beneficial 有益的,有利的. 4 withdraw withdrawn 偏僻的;沉默寡言的. withdrawable 可抽出的 withdrawal 撤退,收回 withdrawer 回收者 5 interest rate 比率,率 gain 增加;获利 Profit 利润;利益 benefit 利益,好处
语境记忆You will be asked to fill in a form with details ofyour birth and occupation. 你会被要求填写一张有关你的出生和职业详情的表格。 John chanced upon a former colleague of his at theairport. 约翰在机场偶然碰到一个以前的同事。 He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Todd. 他写了一封非常正式的道歉信给托德。 This is what is called formalism. 此之谓形式主义。 Parents have the greatest formative effect on their children"s behaviour. 父母对孩子的行为有深远的影响。 Payments must be made in U. S. dollars by a bankdraft drawn to the order of the United Nations Postal Administration. 付款必须用开给联合国邮政
管理处的银行汇票,并以美元支付。 Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background. 詹妮弗有着了不起的学术和商业背景。 The business is tremendously profitable. 这笔生意利润巨大。 A good diet is beneficial to health. 良好的饮食有益于健康。 Open a savings account that does not charge ridiculous fees to withdraw money. 开立一个取钱时不荒唐地收取费用的储蓄账户。