
2023-04-24 10:54:03 来源:万能知识网


超市即超级市场,一般是指商品开架陈列,顾客自我服务,货款一次结算,以经营生鲜食品、日杂用品为主的商店.相关词汇basket n. 购物篮  bonus point 积分  cashier n. 收银员  checkout counter 结账柜台  checkroom n. 寄存处  coupon n. 优惠券  dairy goods 乳制品  deposit v.存(包)  frozen foods 冷冻食品  frying pan 煎锅  household supplies 家庭用品  meat counter 鲜肉柜台  membership card 会员卡  receipt n. 收据  section n. 部分,区  shopping cart 购物车  steak n. 牛排,肉排  supermarket n. 超市  total n. 总额,总数情景对话:A: Oh, there are so many people.  B: Yeah. It"s Saturday and a lot of people like doing shopping at the weekend.  A: Just like you and me, huh?  B: Right. Do you have a lot to buy today?  A: No. I want only a new frying pan. How about you?  B: I want to buy some milk, fruit, steak, ice cream and vegetables.  A: So, perhaps we need a shopping cart.  B: Yeah, let"s take one.  A: So, which shall we begin with, frying pan or food?  B: Perhaps we may buy the food first. You know, the household supplies section is downstairs, but the food section is near us. Look, the frozen foods section is just there. Let"s buy some ice cream first.  A: Oh, no, I think we"d better buy ice cream last. If we buy it first, it will begin to melt when we buy something else.  B: Oh, yes, you"re right. So, we may buy some steak first,and then buy some fruit and vegetables. After we get all the food, we"ll go downstairs to buy the frying pan, OK?  A: All right.参考译文:A:噢,这里的人真多啊.  B:是啊。今天是星期六,很多人都喜欢在周末购物。  A:就像你我一样啊,对吧?  B:是的。你今天要买很多东西吗?  A:不。我只想买一个新的煎锅。你呢?  B:我想买一些牛奶、水果、牛排、冰淇淋、蔬菜。  A:那么,我们需要用购物车了。  B:是的,我们去取一辆吧。  A:那我们先买煎锅还是先买吃的东西呢?  B:或许可以先买吃的东西吧。你知道的,家庭用品区在楼下,而食品区就在我们附近。看,冷冻食品区就在那边。我们先去买些冰淇淋吧。  A:哦。不,我认为我们应该后买冰淇淋。如果我们先买的话,在我们买其他东西的时候冰淇淋就会开始融化了。  B:噢,对的,你说得对。那我们就先买牛排吧,然后买一些水果和蔬菜。买完所有的食品后,我们再下楼去买煎锅,好吗?  A:好吧。
关键词: 冰淇淋
x 广告
x 广告

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