抱怨 ,指心中怀有不满,责怪别人。语出:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之铨。”下面
抱怨英语---The terrible mealWaiter: What can I do for you, sir?Paul: The pork I ordered was not fresh. It" s a pain in the neck.Waiter: Oh! I" m sorry to hear that. This is very unusual as we have fresh pork from the regular supplier every day.Paul: So what? It" s not fresh indeed. This is very annoying, you know.Waiter: I" m sorry, sir. But please be assured that we will look into the matter.Paul: OK.Waiter: What about a delicious dessert, then, with our compliments?Paul: I" m not so keen on desserts as a habit. They are fattening.Waiter: I see. I" m sure everything will be right again next time you come here.Paul: Are you sure? But I" m very fussy.Waiter: I have every confidence in our chef. Just give us another chance.Paul: All right.Waiter: Thank you very much.