
2023-04-25 10:48:12 来源:万能知识网


抱怨 ,指心中怀有不满,责怪别人。语出:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之铨。”下面东莞韦博英语小编为大家整理一些关于抱怨英语的日常用语。抱怨英语---The terrible mealWaiter: What can I do for you, sir?Paul: The pork I ordered was not fresh. It" s a pain in the neck.Waiter: Oh! I" m sorry to hear that. This is very unusual as we have fresh pork from the regular supplier every day.Paul: So what? It" s not fresh indeed. This is very annoying, you know.Waiter: I" m sorry, sir. But please be assured that we will look into the matter.Paul: OK.Waiter: What about a delicious dessert, then, with our compliments?Paul: I" m not so keen on desserts as a habit. They are fattening.Waiter: I see. I" m sure everything will be right again next time you come here.Paul: Are you sure? But I" m very fussy.Waiter: I have every confidence in our chef. Just give us another chance.Paul: All right.Waiter: Thank you very much.抱怨英语翻译---糟糕的饭菜服务员:先生,有什么我能帮您的吗?保罗:我点的菜里面的猪肉不新鲜。真让人讨厌。服务员:哦!我很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商那里进货。保罗:那又怎么样?肉确实不新鲜。你知道这非常令人讨厌。服务员:对不起,先生。不过请放心,我们会调查此事的。保罗:好吧。服务员:那么来点儿可口的甜点怎么样?请免费品尝。保罗:我不习惯吃甜点。甜点容易使人发胖。服务员:我知道了。我确保下次您再来时一切都会好的。保罗:你确定?不过我很挑剔的。服务员:我非常相信我们的厨师。只不过需要再给我们一次机会。保罗:那好吧。服务员:非常感谢。想要提高英语口语?懂英语,会英语是关键哦!上面就是我们东莞韦博英语为您分享抱怨英语的日常实用对话。要是想学更全面,更专业的英语知识----欢迎来到东莞韦博英语!
关键词: 服务员
x 广告
x 广告

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