
2023-04-28 10:44:03 来源:万能知识网


他,是奥运史上一位耀眼的巨星;他,是现代田径史上难得的奇才,非凡的短跑家和跳远名将;他,以杰西・欧文斯作为自己的偶像,在1984-1996间的连续四届奥运会中获9枚奥运会金牌,更在1984年洛杉矶一人独得4枚田径金牌,再现了欧文斯当年的奇迹。而他所创造的成就,让他拥有了“欧文斯第二”的美称。他就是卡尔・刘易斯。那么,卡尔-刘易斯的英文介绍是如何进行的呢?About Lewis关于刘易斯Frederick Carlton “Carl” Lewis is a former American track and field athlete who won 10 Olympic medals including 9 gold, and 10 World Championships medals, of which 8 were gold. His career spanned from 1979 when he first achieved a world ranking to 1996 when he last won an Olympic title and subsequently retired. Lewis became an actor and has appeared in a number of films. In 2011 Lewis announced a run as a Democratic candidate for a seat in the New Jersey Senate, but was disqualified by state officials who said he failed to meet the state’s residency requirement.Lewis was a dominant sprinter and long jumper who topped the world rankings in the 100 m, 200 m and long jump events frequently from 1981 to the early 1990s, was named Athlete of the Year by Track and Field News in 1982, 1983 and 1984, and set world records in the 100 m, 4 x 100 m and 4 x 200 m relays. His world record in the indoor long jump has stood since 1984 and his 65 consecutive victories in the long jump achieved over a span of 10 years is one of the sport’s longest undefeated streaks.His lifetime accomplishments have led to numerous accolades, including being voted “Sportsman of the Century” by the International Olympic Committee and being named “Olympian of the Century” by the American sports magazine Sports Illustrated. He also helped transform track and field from its nominal amateur status to its current professional status, thus enabling athletes to have more lucrative and longer-lasting careers.卡尔・刘易斯是美国黑人田径超级巨星,现代田径史上难得的奇才,非凡的短跑家和跳远名将,被誉为“欧文斯第二”。刘易斯的短跑技术与跳员技术堪称典范,看他赛跑是一种美的享受。他的途中跑动作协调放松,他往往在后程70米处开始加速,十分自信并有把握地超过对手。正因如此,从1982年至今,他共创造了13次室内外世界纪录,获得9枚奥运会金牌,多次被评为“世界最佳运动员”。卡尔・刘易斯是历史上仅有的获得9枚奥运金牌的4名选手之一,仅有的4次获得奥运会同一项目金牌的3名运动员之一,国际田联20世纪最佳运动员,他就是卡尔・刘易斯。就如任何伟大人物一样,你可以不喜欢他,但他在其领域所作出的成就令你不得不尊敬他。虽然获取了1980年奥运会参赛资格,但由于美国抵制莫斯科奥运会,19岁的刘易斯与自己的第一次奥运之旅擦肩而过。然而,自1981年获得全美大学生田径室内100米和跳远冠军、成为历史上首位做到这一点的人之后,卡尔・刘易斯的爆发就已不可阻挡,自此奠定了他在美国乃至世界范围内短跑霸主的地位。
关键词: 刘易斯
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