
2023-04-29 10:46:50 来源:万能知识网


聚会是指指10人以上,有明确主题的集体活动。已经细分到更多层次,比如商务聚会、休闲聚会、腐败聚会、婚恋交友聚会、同学聚会、同乡聚会、战友聚会、同城聚会等等。相关词汇atmosphere n. 氛围  audio equipment 音响  balloon n. 气球  band n. 乐队  champagne n. 香槟  cocktail n. 鸡尾酒  dance pool 舞池  dress n. 礼服  drink n. 饮料  fancy ball 化装舞会  fantastic adj. 极好的.极出色的  festive adj. 喜庆的,欢乐的  flashing light 闪光灯  goblet n. 高脚酒杯  host (hostess) n. 男(女)主人  partner n. 舞伴  rhythm n. 节奏,韵律  ribbon n. 彩带  romantic adj. 浪漫的  spotlight n. 聚光灯情景对话:A: This is the best party ever. Look at the balloons, ribbons and flowers! They look so festive.  B: Yes. Wonderful people, wonderful food and wonderful music! I can"t believe I am at such a fantastic party. Oh,I think I need a drink. What do you want, cocktail or champagne?  A: Champagne.  B: OK. Wait a minute. I"ll get one for you. Here you are.  A: Thanks, Jack.  B: You"re welcome. Well, it"s so nice to see all of our classmates again today, isn"t it?  A: Yeah. It"s been six years since we parted after the graduation party. Do you remember the graduation party?  B: Of course. That was a great party! We sang, danced and drank a lot. We really had a good time that night.  A: Yeah. Oh, you know, Susan and Bob fell in love just at that party and got married two years later.  B: Really?! So amazing!  A: Yeah! Today"s party is more wonderful. The spotlights and the music make the atmosphere here very romantic.  Perhaps there"s another love story happening at this party now.参考译文:A:这是我参加过的比较好的聚会了。看那些气球、彩带、鲜花多漂亮!喜庆气氛多浓郁啊!  B:是啊。人都很随和,食物都很美味,音乐都很动听!  我都不敢相信自己正身处这么美妙的聚会之中。哦……我需要喝一杯了,你想要什么,鸡尾酒还是香槟?  A:香槟。  B:好的。等一下,我去拿来。给你.  A:谢谢,杰克。  B:不客气。嗯,今天再一次看到我们所有的同学真是太好了,不是吗?  A:是啊。自从我们在毕业聚会上一别,六年的时光都已经过去了。你还记得毕业聚会吗?  B:当然了。那次聚会太棒了!我们唱啊、跳啊,还喝了很多酒。那晚,我们过得真愉快.  A:是呀。哦,你知道吗,苏珊和鲍伯就是在那次聚会上陷入爱河.两年后结婚的。  B:真的吗?!太令人吃惊了!  A:是啊!今天的聚会比上一次的更好。这美妙的聚光灯和音乐烘托出非常浪漫的氛围。或许正有另外一个浪漫的爱情故事正在这个聚会中上演呢。
x 广告
x 广告

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