性别歧视指一种性别成员对另一种性别成员的不平等对待,尤其是男性对女性的不平等对待。两性之间的不平等,造成社会的性别歧视。男女平等,无论是西方民主国家,还是东方文明古国,无论社会制度如何差异,还是平等呼声如何高昂,归根结底,都未能从真正意义上求得平等,最多只能谈得上是较之以往有所改善。用一个最简单的道理讲,那就是:如果真正实现了平等,那么人们还会对这种平等进行不间断地强烈呼吁吗?那么,性别歧视用英文怎么说呢?What is gender discrimination什么是性别歧视Gender discrimination, also known as sexual discrimination, is the practice of letting a person’s sex unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit. It most often affects women who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against in favor of a man. But there have also been cases where males have claimed that reverse discrimination has occurred―that is, the woman received unfairly favorable treatment at the expense of the man.Court rulings handed down through the years have determined that a company’s responsibility not to discriminate based on sex begins even before an individual is hired. Companies can be held liable if pre-employment screening or testing is determined to be discriminatory, if applications ask unacceptable questions designed to screen for sex, or if the overall selection process is deemed to be unfair. One of the main indicators that gender discrimination has occurred in the hiring process involves the qualifications of the job applicants. While a slight difference in qualifications between a female and a male candidate does not automatically indicate gender bias (if a lesser qualified male candidate is hired instead of a female candidate, that is), a drastic difference in qualifications has almost always been upheld by the courts as a sure sign of gender discrimination. For example, if a male who dropped out of high school without receiving a diploma is hired in an administrative position over a female who had obtained her master’s degree, then it is likely bias was a factor.In addition to gender discrimination in hiring and other circumstances, there is a particular form of sexual discrimination called sexual harassment. This form of discrimination involves inappropriate words or actions of a sexual nature directed at an employe by employees of the opposite sex. To meet the criteria for harassment, the behavior in question must be both unwanted and sexual in nature. The U.S. legal system has determined that there are two main types of sexual harassment. “Quid pro quo”, or “this for that”, occurs when one employer offers another employee a job or benefit, or threatens to deny that job or benefit, unless sexual favors are granted. A “hostile work environment” occurs when an employee, or a group of employees, repeatedly make lewd comments or suggestive noises, make unwanted sexual advances, or otherwise use sex to such a degree that the behavior interferes with another employee’s ability to perform her job, or she feels intimidated or threatened on the job.自20世纪80年代以来,中国的出生人口性别比例(male-female birth ratio)逐渐升高,在部分省份男女性别比达到130:100。据研究,按现在的性别比例(sex ratio),20年后将有数千万男子成为光棍(bachelor)。男性过剩会造成婚姻挤压,导致May-December 老夫少妻婚姻(marriage)的增加。要让男女性别比逐渐实现均衡,就要在各方面实现性别平等(gender equality),消除性别歧视(gender discrimination),严格限制产前性别选择(prenatal gender selection)的行为。Copyright 2015-2022 魔方网版权所有 备案号:京ICP备2022018928号-48 联系邮箱:315 54 11 85 @ qq.com