申请索赔 英文 天天报道

2023-05-02 10:34:51 来源:万能知识网


国际贸易索赔是指出进口交易中,因一方违反契约规定,直接或间接造成另一方有所损失,受损害的一方向违约方提出赔偿要求,以弥补其所受损害。常用句子The goods supplied by you are below the quality were quired.  贵方供应的货物比我方要求的质量要低。  I"m not at all satisfied with the quality of these goods.  对于这些货物的质量我一点也不满意。  We prefer to resolve disputes by amicable, nonbonding conciliation between two parties.  我们宁愿双方以友好、互相谅解地解决争议。  If you are not preparing to compensate our loss, we suggest that case be submitted for arbitration.  若你们不赔偿我方损失,我们建议提交仲裁。  You should be responsible for all the losses resulting from the delayed shipment.  你方应对延误装运造成的一切损失负责。  We claim our compensation for the loss.  我们就所受损失提出索赔。  I regret very much we can"t accept your claim.  非常抱歉我们不能接受贵方的索赔。  We accept the claim you filed for the inferior quality of the goods.  我方接受你方提出的关于货物质量问题的索赔。  We wish you can make the disposal of our claims as soon as possible.  希望你能尽快处理我方索赔。  Let"s settle the claim this way.  咱们这样解决索赔吧。 情景对话Rowan:There"s something you could help me with.  Shirley:Please go ahead.  Rowan:I ordered 5,000 lady"s coats, but I received the same amount of men"s beyond expectation.  Shirley:I"m awfully sorry, sir. I was informed just now thatsomeone in our company has made a mistake in filling your order. I would apologize to your company on behalf of our company.  Rowan:Can you do anything about the goods mistakenlyshipped?  Shirley:We"ll manage to send you the correct goods as quickly as possible.  Rowan:How long should we wait for? I hope our clients can get them before the New Year"s Day.  Shirley:We"ll try our best to make sure that we ship the goods by the end of the month.  Rowan:How about the wrong goods?  Shirley:If you could sell them at the spot price at your end, so much the better.  Rowan:I"m afraid it"s not an easy job because the design is not popular in China. But for the sake of friendship, we"ll glad to help you.  Shirley:Your offer to help sell the goods will be highlyappreciated.情景对话罗文:有件事您得帮助我解决。  雪莉:请说。  罗文:本来我订购的是5000件女式上衣,但是没想到收到的却是相同数目的男式上衣。  雪莉:真是太抱歉了,先生。刚才得到通知,我们公司某人填错了你们的订货单。我愿代表我公司向贵公司道歉。  罗文:货物装错了,您看怎么办?  雪莉:我们将设法尽快把你方的订货运来。  罗文:需要等多长时间?我希望我们的客户能在元旦前收到这批货。  雪莉:我方将尽力确保这批货在这月发出来。  罗文:错发的货怎么办?  雪莉:如果你们能就地现价销掉,那是比较好的。  罗文:恐怕这不是件轻而易举的工作。因为这种式样在中国不大受欢迎。不过看在朋友的面上,我们将乐于帮忙。  雪莉:贵方帮助销售这批货物,我们深表谢意。
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