
2023-05-05 10:57:38 来源:万能知识网


什么是不定冠词,不定冠词的具体用法?英语中有两种冠词:定冠词和不定冠词,三种形式:the和a,an。冠词虽小,但用起来很容易出毛病,因此要特别注意。先来看看:什么是不定冠词,不定冠词的具体用法(1)不定冠词a和an的区别是:a用在以辅音开始的单词前面,an用在以元音开始的单词前面,如:   an island,an owl,an effective method,an old man,a fierce tiger,a university,etc.   注意要以单词发音的第一个音素为准,不要以拼写的第一个字母为依据,这就是为什么像university,unique,unified这些词,其前面用a而不用an的原因所在。   (2)不定冠词一个基本意义就是one,因此,很显然,它不能和复数名词一起用。例如:   (误)An ears is an organ for listening.   (正)An ear is an organ for listening.   (3)不定冠词可用在可数名词的单数形式前表示类属,其意义相当于可数名词的单数形式前用定冠词the或可数名词的复数形式前不用冠词表示的类属。因此,以下三个句子意义相同:   A tiger is a wild animal.   The tiger is a wild animal.   Tigers are wild animals.   它们都解释“老虎是一种野生动物”。如果说成Tiger is a wild animal.那就错了。实际上,凡见到可数名词单数形式前没有冠词的,都值得考虑一下,这种情况大多是错的。   (误)From then on,we"ve kept in touch with another through e-mail.   (正)From then on,we"ve kept in touch with another through e-mails.   (4)不可数名词前不可以用不定冠词,英语考试中名词包括抽象名词、物质名词和一部分集合名词。   (误)You can get a information from newspaper and the Internet.   (正)You can get information from newspaper and the Internet.   (正)You can get a piece of information from newspaper and the Internet.   (误)I"d like to share my favourite fruits with you.   (正)I"d like to share my favourite fruit with you.   (误)Paper is made from a bamboo.   (正)Paper is made from bamboo.
关键词: 不定冠词
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