
2023-05-11 10:51:04 来源:万能知识网


人口老龄化是指总人口中年轻人口数量减少、年长人口数量增加而导致的老年人口比例相应增长的动态过程。人口老龄化作为人口统计学的一个概念,强调人群的老化,而不是个体的老化。个体的老化是单向的,不可逆转的,而人口老龄化则是老年人口在总人口中相对比例的变化,在一定条件下可以逆转。老龄社会是指老年人口占总人口达到或超过一定比例的人口结构模型。按照联合国的传统标准,一个地区60岁以上老年人达到总人口的10%;新标准是65岁老人占总人口的7%,即该地区视为进入老龄化社会。那么,社会老龄化的英文怎么描述呢?What is aging society什么是老龄化社会Aging society is the population structure model that the elderly population reaches or exceeds a certain percentage of the total population. According to the traditional standards of the United Nations, a region can be considered to enter in the aging society if its elderly population with their age beyond 60 account for 10% of the total population, or its elderly population with their age beyond 65 account for 7% of the total population in accordance with the new standard.In industrialized countries, the number of people reaching retirement age is growing, while the number of working age people is declining. The number of people aged 80 and older is growing at a faster rate than any other age group worldwide. In 1950, there were 12 people of working age for every person age 65 or older. In 2010, there are only 9 contributing to old age support in their countries. That means that here in the U.S., fewer people are contributing to Social Security and Medicare in proportion to the number of people needing and using those programs. By the year 2050, there will be almost twice as many older non-working people than there are now, in contrast to the total number of workers.Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates. China will soon join their ranks. According to the statistics, the aging of China’s population will approach its peak by the middle of the next century, with the percentage of the people aged beyond 60 making up 27.4 percent of the total population, which means one out of every four people will be elderly.As for the issue of aging, its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline in working force in that fewer people are capable to support the increasing aged people. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society is affected to some extent. Last but not least, the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation of family planning has not been synchronized with national economic progress.The coming aging society has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. It is no doubt that the most significant measure is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, more importance should be attached to the overall development of social security, welfare and service. What’s more, family care and community services shall also be encouraged.老龄化的速度(the aging rate)是指社会中60岁或65岁以上老年人口(the old population)的比重增长速度。它主要受出生率(the birth rate)与死亡率(the mortality rate)的制约,在经济发展较快的国家和地区,由于科学技术(science and technology)的进步,营养结构(nutrient structure)的改善和医疗事业(medical industry)的进步而使老年人的体质改善(physical improvement),寿命(life expansion)延长,死亡率降低;同时,由于年轻一代生育意愿(fertility intention)减弱,或国家推行计划生育政策(Family Planning Policy),使人口出生率降低,社会老龄化的速度大大提高。一些经济发展非常缓慢的国家,由于科技水平(technological level)低下、医疗卫生条件(health condition)恶劣,人们的寿命通常都极低,出生率却比较高,人口老龄化的速度也较缓慢。
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