
2023-05-12 10:45:34 来源:万能知识网



相关词汇accompany v. 伴奏  character n. 人物,角色  clown n. 小丑,丑角  concubine n. 妾,妃子  costume n. 戏服  create v. 创造,塑造  drum n. 鼓  female adj. 女性的  fixed adj. 固定的  folklore n. 民间故事  jinghu n. 京胡  male adj. 男性的  melody n. 旋律  Peking opera 京剧  role n. 角色  锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 n. 唱本  stage pose 亮相  training n.  训练,练功  type n. 类型  warrior n. 战士情景对话:A: Have you ever watched a Peking opera performance?  B: Yes. The opera I watched tells the story of Yang Yu huan,a concubine of one of the emperors in Tang Dynasty.  A: I get it. You must be talking about Guifei Zui jiu. How do you like it?  B: Wonderful costumes and great stage pose! Those leading performers are so amazing! I like the music, too. The melody is so unique. Such a performance is usuallyaccompanied by jinghus and drums, right?  A: Yes, jinghu is the primary accompaniment. You know in Peking operas, there are several types of roles. Each type has a comparatively fixed image and personality.  B: Well, I"ve heard about Wu Dan; they"re the female warriors. And Chou, the clown.  A: That"s right! Do you know Sheng?  B: I guess they"re the male characters, right?  A: Yeah. In order to create the roles well enough on the stage, performers must undergo very strict training since they"re very young.  B: Oh, that must be very tough!参考译文:A:你看过京剧吗?  B:看过,我看的那出戏讲的是唐朝一个妃子杨玉环的故事.  A:明白了.你指的肯定是“贵妃醉酒”这出戏。你觉得好看吗?  B:戏服很华美,演员的亮相很棒!扮演主角的几位演员都相当不错!戏里的伴奏配乐我也喜欢,曲调非常独特,京剧的演出通常是用京胡和鼓来演奏配乐的,对吗?  A:是的,京胡是主要的伴奏乐器。你知道吧,京剧中的角色是分成几大类的。每种类型的角色都被赋予相对固定的外形和性格。  B:嗯,我听说过武旦和丑角。武旦表演的是精通武艺的女性角色。还有丑,指丑角。  A:没错,你知道生角吗?  B:我猜生角是男性的角色,对吗?  A:对。京剧演员为了在舞台上生动地塑造各种人物形象,从很小开始就必须接受非常严格的训练。  B:哦,那训练会很艰苦吧!
x 广告
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