英语的be 动词是个用法比较复杂的动词。下面是
英语be动词用法解析:1、除了原形的be 之外,对于不同人称代词以及单数名词和复数名词,be 会有各种变化形式和缩写形式。概括一下有七种形式:be,am,is,are,was,were,been,being。它们与人称代词和名词单、复数的搭配关系是:现在时 I am,you are,he/she/it/ is,we/you/they are;名词单数、不可数名词用is,复数用are。缩略式 I"m,you"re,he"s,we"re,you"re,they"re否定缩略式 I"m not,isn"t,aren"t过去时 I was,you were,he/she/it/ was,we/you/they were;名词单数、不可数名词用was,复数用were。否定缩略式 wasn"t,weren"t过去分词 been现在分词 being2、在句子中,be有两种主要作用:一是作为系动词(The Linking Verb),本身可以作用谓语动词;二是做为助动词(The Auxiliary Verb),与谓语动词一起构成各种时态和被动语态等。
动词bear的用法:■ bear 表“生育”时,它的过去分词有两种形式,即born和borne。两者的区别是:强调“出生”时,用born,主要用于be born这一结构;强调动作意义的“生育”时,用borne。如:She was born in the fifties. 她生于50年代。His wife has borne (him) three children. 他妻子(给他)生了3个孩子。在现代英语中,表示“生育”的borne通常不用于被动语态,尽管原来可说He was borne by an English woman. 但现在一般会说成:He was born to an English woman. 他是一个英国妇女生的。■ 有人认为,表示“出生”意义的 be born只能用过去式,其实也不一定。如:Everyone is born equal. 人生来是平等的。A woman is pregnant for nine months before a child is born. 在小孩生出前,妇女要怀孕9个月。■ 注意以下各例表示“出生”时后接的介词:He was born to [of] wealthy parents. 他出身于有钱人家。He was born into [to, of] a wealthy (noble) family. 他生于富裕人家(名门望族)。注意,类似以下用法中的介词to不可换成by:babies who are born to very young mothers 年轻小妈妈生的孩子Two children were born to them. 他们生了两个孩子。He was born to a shoemaker’s wife in a small cottage. 他出生于一所小村舍,母亲是鞋匠的妻子。
动词bother的用法:1. 表示“打扰”“麻烦”,为及物动词,要表示用某事麻烦某人,一般用介词 with 或 about。如:I’m sorry that I have to bother you with [about] this problem. 对不起,我要用这个问题来麻烦你了。2. 表示“费心”“费力”,多用于否定句和疑问句;若表示费心做某事,表示通常其后接动词时,通常用不定式。如:He didn’t bother (=trouble) to answer personally. 他嫌麻烦不愿亲自回答。Why bother to write? We’ll see him tomorrow. 还写信干什么? 我们明天就见到他了。在现代英语中,bother 后也可跟动名词。如:Don’t bother to lock [locking] the door. 别费事锁门了。He won’t come, so why bother inviting him? 他不会来的,为什么还要费心请他呢?有时后接 about doing sth 也可表示类似意思。如:You needn’t bother to come up [about coming up]. 你不必费心来了。3. 在口语中说 don’t bother(…), 主要用于谢绝对方主动提出的善意帮助,意为“不用费心(……)了”“不用麻烦(……)了”。如:A:Shall I help you with the washing up? 要不要我帮你洗碗碟?B:Don’t bother. I’ll do it later. 不必麻烦了,我等一会再洗。Don’t bother to come to the door with me. I can see myself out. 不用费力送我出去。我可以自己出去。另外,口语中还说 I’m not bothered,其意为“我无所谓”。如:I’m not bothered whether we go out or stay in. 出去还是待在家里,我无所谓。4. 惯用句式 can’t be bothered (to do sth) 的意思是“嫌麻烦而不做某事”“偷懒”。如:The grass needs cutting but I can’t be bothered to do it today. 草得剪一剪了,但我今天却懒得去做。
动词admire的用法:1. 是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth。如:They admired him very much. 他们很钦佩他。They admired his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。They admired him for his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺。注意不要受汉语影响漏掉必要的宾语。如:我钦佩她的勇气。误:I admire for her bravery.正:I admire her for her bravery.他的事业非常成功,他的朋友都很羡慕!误:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired!正:He was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him!2. 其后有时可接 what 从句。如:We admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。但是,一般不接that 从句。如:我们佩服他的诚实。误:We admire that he is honest.正:We admire (him for) his honesty.3. 有时还可后接动名词(通常有逻辑主语)。如:They all admired his believing in that manner. 他们都赞赏他那样做。4. 汉语说“你不得不佩服……”,英语可用以下类似表达:You can only admire her courage and determination. 你不能不佩服她的勇气和决心。You have to admire their dedication and commitment. 你不得不佩服他们的尽心竭力。It was a rash thing to do, yet one cannot but admire her courage. 这事做得过于鲁莽,然而不能不佩服她的勇气。