出行方式英语---Riding a bicycle or driving a carBailey: How do you usually get to school?Cailyn:I usually ride my bike.Which form of transport do you prefer to use?Bailey: I feel that I can see more when I ride a bicycle, but when I feel lazy, I drive my car.Cailyn:I think we should discourage people from using their private cars.They produce too much pollution!Bailey: I agree, but I would find it difficult to stop using my car. It" s just so convenient.Cailyn:Cars might be convenient, but they are so bad for the environment.Bailey: Do you have a car?Cailyn:No, I used to have one though.Once I started using my bicycle to get around, I found that I didn" t really need it.Bailey: Maybe if I sold my car now, I wouldn" t be so tempted to use it.Cailyn:You could try .It would save you a lot of money.Bailey: That" s true .Every month, I spend hundreds of dollars on gas, insurance and repairs.Cailyn:If you get to class by bicycle every day instead of by car, you will get lots of exercise, too!