
2023-05-23 10:37:39 来源:万能知识网


雅思口语题库,对于烤鸭们来说,考试即将进入尾声。我们借这个机会来看看全年的雅思口语题库都考了哪些题目,题库每个季度又都发生了哪些变化。在新的一年中,又会有哪些题目可能会继续考到。  首先,先来看看Part1题目的变化:
对比三个表格,我们可以看出Part1题库一直有几个类型是必考的,也就是大家熟知的study/work, hometown, accommodation这三大基本类型。并且根据往年的分析,我们也知道这是每次的题库都必不可少的。此外,某些与兴趣爱好相关的简单日常话题也一直在题库中维持,例如shopping,animals,languages,names等。也有一部分题目,虽然略有小的变化,但其实质属于换汤不换药,例如Cooking和Food,leisure time和weekends。虽然归类或者说小题目的问法略有不同,但是答案内容有很大相似性。例如“what do you usually do in your leisure time?”和“what do you usually do on weekends?”两个问题看起来不太一样,但是答案却是没有什么太大差别的。不过,也必须看到,每一次的题库中,也总会有几个不太常考的,甚至是之前从没考过的话题出现,例如1-4月份的dictionary, rain, sunshine;5-8月的maps,train以及9-12月的shoes, teachers, street market。  综上总结,Part1题库更新大家无需太过担心,总体内容并没有太多实质性变化,可能会有两三个全新话题加入,但不会影响整体Part1的稳定性。接下来,我们看看Part2题库的变化,当然我们不看题库所有题目,只是来看看高频话题
1. a language that you would like to learn (but not English) 想学的外语2. a city you would like to visit想去的城市3. something you enjoy reading喜欢读的东西4. a magazine you enjoy reading喜欢读的杂志5. your first mobile phone第一个手机6. an intelligent person一个聪明的人7. a good photo that someone taken for you别人给你照的好照片8. a time that you forgot something 你忘事儿的一次经历9. a good law in your country 你们国家的一个法律10. a place far away from your home一个离你家很远的地方11. a restaurant you would like to go again一个你想再去一次的餐厅12. an important building in your country一个你们国家的重要建筑13. a thing that change you in a good (positive) way生活中的积极改变14. a gift you got in your childhood童年收到的礼物15. a successful advertisement 一个成功的广告16. an interesting animal 一个有趣的动物17. someone who has an interesting job 一个有有趣工作的人18. a famous person you want to meet想见的名人19. a time that you were busy你忙碌的一段时间20. some people you are proud of 让你骄傲的一个人21. a park or garden 公园或者花园22.a foreign film you like 喜欢的外国电影23.a film that you dislike 不喜欢的电影24. a place you want to have a house in想安家的地方25. a problem with an equipment 一个设备的问题26. sth you did with an old person 与老人一起做的事27. family celebration家庭庆祝的经历28. a country that you would like to go to想去的国家29. an experience you helped your neighbor一次帮助邻居的经历30. Sth you bought but do not often use一个你买了但是不经常用的东西31. a letter you wrote to sb 给别人写的信32. an indoor game 一个室内游戏33. a friend you haven’t seen for a long time一个很久没见的朋友34. good advice好建议35. a time when you shared sth with another person一次与别人分享的经历
1. A famous sportsman 运动明星2. A singer or music band that you like 喜欢的歌手或乐队3. A person you are familiar with 熟悉的人4. An old person you respect 尊敬的老年人5. A beautiful or handsome person 长得漂亮或者很帅的人6. A person with an interesting job 有有趣工作的人7. A city you visited 去过的城市8. An interesting/historical building in your hometown 家乡有意思的/历史建筑9. A school you studied at 学校10. A prize that you won( want to win) 得到过的奖项11. A piece of equipment( like a TV or computer) 一个设备12. One thing you bought but useless for you 买的没用的东西13. The last book you have read近读得一本书14. A foreign film国外的电影15. Something you borrowed from your family or friends 跟朋友或者家人借的东西16. A radio or TV program that you would like to talk about with your parents or friends 想要和家人或者朋友讨论的电视或者广播节目17. A homemade gift to your friends想送朋友的自己做的礼物18. An animal that you like 喜欢的动物19. An experience that you stuck in a traffic jam 遇到交通拥堵的一次经历20. An interesting conversation with others 和别人的有趣的聊天21. Good advice 好建议22. An important law in your country 你们国家的重要法律23. A good service that you got接受的好的服务24. An activity that is good for your health做的对身体有益的活动25. A project you have done 你完成的一个计划或者项目(作业)26. A indoor game室内游戏27. Something you did but you think it’s a waste of time做的很浪费时间的一件事28. A family celebration家庭庆祝29. A meal you invited others to your home or restaurant 邀请朋友去家里或者餐厅的经历30. A habit that your friend has and you want to learn一个你朋友有的你也想学习的习惯31. An experience you waited for somebody 等人的经历32. A thing that you did with a group of people 与团队做的一件事33. A long journey长途旅行34. An APP that you think is very useful 有用的APP35. Something you can’t do now but want to learn in the future 不会但是将来想学习的一件事
总结这些高频题目,我们也可以大概推测题库中应该会包含的话题,  首先,人物类中, 准备一个老年人,一个青少年,一个名人基本是没有错的,因为不管限定条件做出什么改变,根据这三个题目都都可以通过做出一点条件的改变来满足要求。  其次,地点类,一个历史的地方(建筑),一个现代的建筑(餐厅),一个城市这三个话题也属于必备。通用性极强。物品事件类,属于新题难题且难预测类型多者,但也有几个题目属于必备:如,描述一个电子产品(无数物品类话题可套用),描述一个电影(书),描述一个家庭庆祝(聚会),描述一个运动赛事,描述一个建议(可用于一封信等话题)。  当然,类似于Part1的话题变更规律,Part2每次也会加进几个从来没考过的较生疏题目,而这些可能以前并没有考过,例如APP,Good Service,law, indoor game等。这部分话题到底会出现哪些,这可能是罕有的难以预测的部分,也是每次的新题库的“杀手锏”,建议大家在年末的几次考试和1月初的几次考试一定要密切关注题库变化,今早准备出2015年新题库的重难点。https://www.qinxue365.com/member/zhhq.html
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