
2023-05-25 10:55:43 来源:万能知识网


关于满足客户需求和联系方式的英语对话--南京美联英语客户I"d like a copy of the new catalogue, please.我想要一份新的产品目录,谢谢。  Could you send me this year"s brochure for the new line of furniture?你能寄给我一份今年新的家具产品手册吗?  Can you send me this year"s price list by E-mail?你能把今年的价目表用电子邮件发给我吗?  Can I have all three, please?我能3种都要吗?商家How may help you?请问您需要什么帮助?  Would you like the car,truck or jeep catalogue?  有汽车、卡车和吉普车目录,您想要哪一种?  Could I have your name, please?能告诉我您的姓名吗?  Your house number and street name?您的门牌和街道名称是什么?  Your city and zip code?您所在的城市和邮编呢?  And a phone number please?您的电话号码是多少?  Can I have your E-mail address?您的电子邮件地址?  They should arrive in a week.目录应在一周后寄到。情景对话对话场景:杰克打电话到一家公司的服务中心索取产品手册。  句型重点:说明信息需求和联系方式。  Customer Services:Customer Services,how may lhelp you?客服:客户服务部,请问您需要什么帮助?  Jack:I’d like a copy of the new catalogue,please.杰克:我想要一份新的产品目录,谢谢。  Customer Services:Would you like the car,truck orjeep catalogue?客服:有汽车、卡车和吉普车目录,您想要哪一种?  Jack:Can I have all three,please?杰克:我能3种都要吗?  Customer Services:Of course. Could I have your nameplease?客服:当然可以。能告诉我您的姓名吗?  Jack:Yes,it’s Jack Jackson.杰克:好的,我叫杰克·约翰逊。  Customer Services:Could you spell your last nameplease?客服:您能拼一下您的姓吗?  Jack: Yes. that"s J-A-C-K-S一0一N.杰克:可以,是J-A-C-K-S-O-N0Customer Services:Thank you. Your house number andstreet name?客服:谢谢。您的门牌和街道名称是什么?  Jack:Apartment 5,Randolph Avenue.杰克:伦道夫大街,5号公寓。  Customer Services:Your city and zip code?客服:那您所在的城市和邮编呢?  Jack:Charleston,92834 杰克:查尔斯顿,邮编是92834.  Customer Services:And a phone number please?客服:您的电话号码是多少?  Jack:555一1033.杰克:555-1033.  Customer Services:Thanks. They should arrive in aweek.客服:多谢。目录应在一周内送到。 以上就是南京美联英语学校小编为大家整理的关于满足客户需求和联系方式的英语对话内容。
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