
2023-06-15 10:44:35 来源:万能知识网


租车(Car rental),又称为“汽车租赁”,指租车公司提供车辆给顾客使用,短从数小时至数日,长可达数年不等,广州韦博国际英语分享国外租车常用英语,让英语表达更流利。

A: Excuse me. Is this car taken?B: No, may I help you?A: Can I rent it for just one day?B: No problem.A: And what is the daily rate for that anyway?B: It is 90 dollars a day.A: A little expensive. But what"s the cost for mileage?B: All of our cars have unlimited mileage, and the rate doesn"t include gas.A: Well, I"ll rent it.B: Please give me your passport.A: How much is the deposit?B: 3,000 dollars. This is the rental contract. If you don"t have any other questions, please sign here.A: OK. Can I pay by credit card?B: Yes. You can drive the car away after you examine it.

关键词: 英语 租车 里程
x 广告
x 广告

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