
2023-06-20 10:38:03 来源:万能知识网


情景对话Lele: Excuse me, sir. Is this the right place for customs?  C 0: Yes, it is. Please line up on the queue.  C 0: Do you have anything special to declare?  Lele: Yes, I have.  C 0: So fill out this Customs Luggage Declaring Form, please.  C 0: Are you going abroad for sightseeing?  Lele: Yes. I"ll go to America to visit my boyfriend.  C 0: Would you please open your luggage? I"ll check these.  C 0:What are these in the wrappers?  Lele:Oh, only gifts for my friends. Do I have to pay any duty on them?  C 0:It depends. Inexpensive gifts are not taxable.  C 0: OK. Clear. You can pass.  Lele: Thank you! Can I get back my passport and Customs Declaration Form?  C 0: Oh. Sorry! Here you are.  乐乐:您好,先生。这里是海关吗?  海关官员:是的。请排队。  海关官员:您有什么要申报的吗?  乐乐:是的,有。  海关官员:那么请填一下这张海关行李申报表。  海关官员:您是出国旅游吗?  乐乐:嗯!我要去美国看我男朋友。  海关官员:请打开您的行李,好吗?我要检查一下。  海关官员:包装纸里是什么?  乐乐:哦,只是给朋友的礼物。这些需要上税吗?  海关官员:看情况。低价位的礼物可以不上税。  海关官员:好了。没问题。您可以通关了。  乐乐:谢谢!我能取回我的护照和海关申报表了吗?  海关官员:哦。对不起!给您。扩展表达出境管理:immigration  海关:customs  检疫: quarantine  签证:visa  报关表:declaration  机场税:airport tax  护照:passport
关键词: 海关 官员 乐乐
x 广告
x 广告

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