
2023-06-21 10:51:05 来源:万能知识网


“商务对话”以适应职场生活的商务英语口语对话为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的多个方面。商务英语更多地是传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法等等。无锡韦博英语小编为您整理:面试用英语怎么说。 面试用英语怎么说-介绍面试程序   First we"ll go over the details of the job.   首先我们会谈一谈工作的具体细节。   Then we"ll give you a short test.   然后我们会让你做个简短的测试。   面试用英语怎么说-职位说明   Did you have any questions about the job profile?   关于职务说明,你有疑问吗?   I was just wondering who I would report to and where this position sits in the company.   我只是想知道我的顶头上司是谁以及这一职位在公司处于什么位置。   The Marketing Manager would supervise you.   营销部经理会直接领导你。   The position of Marketing Assistant would report to the Marketing Manager.   营销助理职位由营销经理负责。   It just means that the Director and VP may ask you to assist them if they need.   当营销部总监和副总裁需要的时候,他们可以要求你来协助他们的工作。   面试用英语怎么说-情景对话      对话场景:梅丽莎参加面试,在进入正式提问前,她请面试官讲解她要应聘的职位。   句型重点:关于职位描述的说法。  Ian:Thanks for coming in today. Was it difficult to find?   Melissa:No,it was pretty straight-forward.  Ian:There are three parts to the interview today. First we’ll go over the details of the job,then we’II give you a short test and then we’II discuss the test and any other outstanding questions. So,have you seen the job profile?   Melissa:Yes,the agency sent me a copy.  Ian:Great. Did you have any questions about the job profile?  Melissa:Yes,I did actually. I was just wondering who I would report to and where this position sits in the company.  Ian:Well,the position of Marketing Assistant would report to the Marketing Manager,but would have a dotted line to the Director and Vice President of the Marketing Department.  Melissa:What does that mean exactly?  Ian:It just means that the Director and VP may ask you to assist them if they need,but that the Marketing Manager would supervise you.   Melissa:I see.  Ian:If you don’t have any further questions,then I think we’ll have you start the test. Do you have any questions?  Melissa:No,I think I’m ready for the test.  伊恩:谢谢你今天能够来面试。这个地方难找吗?  梅丽莎:不,很容易就找到了。   伊恩:今天的面试有三部分。首先我们会谈一谈工作的具体细节,然后我们会让你做个简短的测试,之后我们会就这个测试和其他突出的问题进行讨论。你 看过工作简介了吗?   梅丽莎:是的,看过了,职业介绍所给了我一份复印件。 伊恩:好的。关于职务说明,你还有什么疑问吗?   梅丽莎:是的,我确实有疑问。我只是想知道我的顶头上司是谁以及这一职位在公司中处于什么位置?  伊恩:嗯,营销助理职位由营销经理负责,但有时也会与营销总监和副总裁有工作往来。   梅丽莎:您能说具体点吗?  伊恩:具体说就是,当营销部总监和副总裁需要的时候,他们可以要求你来协助他们的工作,但营销部经理会直接领导你。   梅丽莎:明白了。  伊恩:如果你没有其他问题的话,我们就开始测验了。你还有问题吗?   梅丽莎:没有了,我想我准备好测验了。   以上就是:面试用英语怎么说。无锡韦博英语搜罗各种商务英语情景对话,助你完成由菜鸟到高手的完美蜕变,汇集经典、全面、实用的商务英语会话表达。
关键词: 英语 职位 工作
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