
2023-06-30 10:58:37 来源:万能知识网


“商务对话”以适应职场生活的商务英语口语对话为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的多个方面。商务英语更多地是传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法等等。南昌美联英语小编为您整理:处理投诉的英语情景对话。处理投诉的英语情景对话-顾客投诉  I"ve got a complaint to make.  我有问题要投诉。  These aren"t the things we ordered.  这些货不是我们要的。  Nearly all of them were broken.  几乎所有的货都坏了。  To be honest, I find this quite unsatisfactory.  老实说,我对这次供货很不满意。  处理投诉的英语情景对话-要求退货  I would like to return this dress.  我想退掉这件衣服。  Can I get a refund?  可以退款吗,  处理投诉的英语情景对话-商家回应  What is the problem?  有什么问题,  Can I take your reference number, please?  请问您的发货号是多少,  Do you have the receipt?  您有收据吗?  We can replace them for you immediately.  我们会立即为您更换。  I can help you find the right size.  我可以帮您调换尺码。  Send them back to us, and we"ll refund the full cost.  给我们送回来吧,我们将退还所有费用。  To show you our appreciation, we"ll take 25% off your bill.  为表示我们的诚意,我们将免除您25%的账单金额。  处理投诉的英语情景对话-情景对话    对话场景:总台接到投诉电话后安抚顾客,表示立即退换商品,同时让出折扣平息顾客的怒气。  句型重点:投诉的说法,道歉,安慰。  Receptionist: This is Office Supplies, Mary speaking.How may I help you?  Assistant: I"d like to make a complaint about a recent delivery.  Receptionist:Can I take your reference number,please?  Assistant: It"s WK 9A5.  Receptionist: And your name, please?  Assistant: This is Jane calling, from ABC Publishing.  Receptionist: And what is the problem, Jane?  Assistant: The light bulbs that I ordered for the department were delivered today, and nearly all of them were broken.  Receptionist: I"m so sorry about that. If you let me know how many are broken, we can replace them for you immediately.  Assistant: Let"s see…that"s seventy-five light bulbs To be honest, I find this quite unsatisfactory. If this happens again.I"m going to have to find another supplier.  Receptionist: Again,my apologies. To show you our appreciation for your business, we"ll take 25% off your bill.  Assistant: Thank you.  Receptionist: You"re welcome.  接待员:办公用品公司,我是玛丽。您需要什么帮助吗?  助理:我想就近期的一次发货提出投诉。  接待员:能告诉我您的发货号吗?  助理:是WK 9A50  接待员:请问您的姓名是?  助理:我是ABC出版社的简。  接待员:有什么问题,简?  助理:今天我收到了为部门订购的灯泡,但几乎所有的灯泡都坏了。  接待员:非常抱歉。如果您能告诉我受损灯泡的数量,我们会立即为您更换。  助理:让我看看……有75个。老实说,我对这次供货很不满意。如果再次发生此类事情,我就得另找供货商了  接待员:我再次表示歉意。为表示我们对贵公司的感谢,我们将免除您25%的  账单金额。  助理:谢谢。  接待员:不用谢。  以上就是:处理投诉的英语情景对话。南昌美联英语搜罗各种商务英语情景对话,助你完成由菜鸟到高手的完美蜕变,汇集经典、全面、实用的商务英语会话表达。
关键词: 接待员 英语 情景
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