
2023-07-03 10:42:26 来源:万能知识网


西餐是一种迥然不同于中国饮食的菜肴,现在已慢慢走入中国的家庭,被许多时尚的都市人所喜爱。西餐的主要特点是主料突出,形色美观,口味鲜美,营养丰富,供应方便等。可分为法式、英式、意式、俄式、美式,地中海等多种不同风格的菜肴。经典例句I want to skip the appetizer.  我不要开胃菜了。  Would you like the beefsteak well-done or rare?  您喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是生一点?  I"d like the roast leg of lamb.  我想要烤羊腿。  What kinds of salad dressing do you have?  你们有什么色拉调味料?  I think we"ll have creamy mushroom soup this evening.  我想我们今晚会喝奶油蘑菇汤。  How about a fish casserole for each?  每人来份鱼锅怎么样?  Would you care for soup or salad to start with?  您要先来点汤或者色拉吗?  What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashedboiled or baked?  您想配什么样的土豆呢?土豆泥、煮土豆,还是烤土豆?  We have the best oysters and caviar.  我们有比较好的牡C和鱼子酱。  The smoked carp and baked scallops are delicious.  熏鲤鱼和绸扇贝的味道好极了。常用词汇appetizer 开胃菜  beefsteak 牛排  well-done (肉)熟透的,煮透的  roast leg of lamb 烤羊腿  salad dressing 色拉调味料;色拉酱  creamy mushroom soup 奶油蘑菇汤  casserole 炖锅菜;砂锅菜  salad 色拉  mashed potato土豆泥  baked potato烤土豆  oyster n.牡蛹:蚝  caviar n鱼子酱  pizza n.比萨饼  rare (肉)半熟的,煮得很嫩的  smoked carp熏鲤鱼  roast turkey烤火鸡  poached salmon水煮三文鱼  baked scallop媚扇贝  marinated salmon腌三文鱼  fried fish炸鱼  cheese 奶酪  dessert (饭后的)甜点  chowder 杂烩海鲜浓汤  consomme 清炖肉汤;清炖蔬菜汤  pork chop猪排
关键词: 色拉 调味料 土豆
x 广告
x 广告

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