
2023-07-05 10:34:26 来源:万能知识网


常用会话A: Hi. My name is Richard, and I am from Room 1502.  B: Hello, sir. What can I do for you?  A: I couldn"t get to sleep last night because of the noise from the street.  B: I"m sorry to hear that. That"s because the room is facing the street and it canbe noisy occasionally.  A: Can you change the room for me?  B: Let me check if there are any rooms available.  A: Thanks.  B: How about Room 501?It"s away from the street.  A: Great, thank you.  B: No problem. Just call me when you are ready to move. We will send the bellman up to help you.  A: Alright. Thank you very much.  A:你好,我叫理查德,房间号是1502。  B:您好,先生。我能帮您做些什么呢?  A:昨晚街上太吵了,我没法睡觉。  B:我很抱歉。因为这间房临街,偶尔会很吵。  A:你可以为我换个房间吗?  B:让我看看有没有空房。  A:谢谢。  B: 501号房间怎么样?它不临街。  A:太好了,谢谢你。  B:不客气。如果您准备好换房了,请  打电话给我。我们将派行李员上去  帮您。  A:好的,非常感谢。场景表述对方还可能这样说:  O I want to change a room.我想换一个房间。  O I want to change to a larger room.我想换一个大一点的房间。  O May I move to another room?我能换间房吗?  还可以这样说:  0 Sorry. We are fully booked.对不起,我们的客房已经订满了。  0 We only have a single room available.我们只剩下一间单人房了。  0 What kind of room would you prefer?您想要什么样的房间呢?  还可以这样说:  0 How about Room 2004? It"s spacious and cozy. 2004号房间怎么样?那个房间很大、很舒适。  0 How about a room on the second floor?二楼的房间可以吗?  0 Will this room suit you?这间房间合您的意吗?
关键词: 房间 我想 号房
x 广告
x 广告

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