孔庙用英语怎么说。 曲阜孔庙、孔府、孔林位于山东省曲阜市,是中国历代纪念孔子,推崇儒学的表征,以丰厚的文化积淀、悠久的历史、宏大的规模、丰富的文物珍藏,以及科学艺术价值而著称。 想要熟悉孔庙用英语怎么说,基本的是需要掌握一些关键的句型,绍兴美联英语小编为大家整理了一些孔庙用英语怎么说的句子,帮助大家先做口语对话前的热身。 Where are the Temple of Confucius located?孔庙位于何处? When did the Temple of Confucius reach its present scale? 孔庙什么时候形成了现在的规模? How large an area do the Temple of Confucius cover? 孔庙的面积是多少? 掌握了以上绍兴美联英语小编为您整理的孔庙用英语怎么说的基本句型,那么就需要开始练习对话了,简单的练习英语对话能迅速增进
英语口语能力。 (Miss Wang Jing and John are traveling to the Confucius Temple by coach.They are talking about the life story of Confucius,especially about his career as a teacher. ) Wang Jing: Now, we are on the way to the Confucius Temple in Qufu. We"ll arrive there 20 minutes from now. It is a fascinating cultural tour of Confucius"s hometown. I believe you"ll certainly learn a lot about the Chinese culture. John:Well, can you tell me something about Confucius"s life story?I really know very little about him. Wang Jing: OK. Confucius was born in 551 BC in the State of Lu,today"s Qufu in Shandong Province. He died of illness at the age of 73. His name was Kong Qiu. Kong was the family name while Qiu was his given name. After he Chinese feudal society. He was acclaimed as Saint Kong, or the Most Holy and Foremost Perfect Teacher. John: Do you mean he was a teacher? Wang Jing : Yes, he was both a philosopher and a teacher. As a matter of fact, he was the father of a private school in China that accepted students regardless of their wealth. It is said that he had 3, 000 students, among whom 72 were very outstanding. John :What subjects did he teach at the school? Wang Jing:Quite a lot, such as politics, music, archery, calligraphy and mathematics to promote all-round development of his students. John:Since he was such a well-known teacher and had so many excellent students, he must have taught students in a special way. How did he teach his students? Wang Jing: Confucius proposed a complete set of principles concerning study. He said, “Studying without thinking leads to confusion: thinking without studying leads to laziness. ”Today"s quality-education was nothing new to Confucious. The Analects of Confucius provides a vivid record of his teachings. 对英语千万不要一知半解的,绍兴美联英语小编为您整理孔庙用英语怎么说的翻译,帮助大家理解消化,彻底掌握该对话的精髓。 (王静和约翰坐在汽车上准备去参观孔庙。他们在谈论孔子的生评史记,尤其是他的教育生涯。) 王静:现在我们要去曲阜参观一下孔庙,20分钟就可以到,去孔子的故乡肯定是一次难忘的文化之旅,我相信你肯定会对中国的历史大有了解。 约翰:哦,你能为我讲讲孔子的生评史记吗?我对他知之甚少。 王静:好吧,孔子出生在公元前551年的鲁国,也就是现在山东曲阜,73岁去世。他的名字叫孔丘,孔是姓,丘是名。去世以后,他的思想被中国封建社会的统治者大为推崇,他也被尊称为孔圣人或者是孔先师。 约翰:你的意思是他是一名老师。 王静:是的,他既是哲学家又是老师,后,他成为开创中国贫富均等私立学堂的先驱,据说他门下有3000弟子,其中有72人很出名。 约翰:那么他在学堂都教什么呢? 王静:很多,像政治、音乐、弓箭、书法和数学,可以促进学生们的全面发展。 约翰:既然他是一位这么出名的老师,又教出了那么多杰出的学生,他的教学方法肯定与众不同,他是怎么教学的呢? 王静:孔子提出了一系列与学习相关的方法理论。他说,“学而不思则罔;思而不学则殆”,现今的素质教育与孔子的基本相同,《伦语》就是他教学的经典著作。 以上就是绍兴美联英语小编为您整理的孔庙用英语怎么说,建议大家多学多练,以增进英语口语能力为目标。