
2023-07-07 10:51:42 来源:万能知识网


关于新工作入职的英语情景对话,对于初入职场的新人,流利地介绍自己,能助你迅速融入新环境赢得大家的喜爱,尽快进入工作角色。那么上班第一天,除了说my name is…以外,还可以说些什么呢?一起来看:关于新工作入职的英语情景对话1 I"m here to report for employment. 我来报到上班。A: Good morning. What can I do for you?   B: Good morning. I"m here to report for employment.   A: May I have your name?   甲:早上好。能为您效劳吗?   乙:我来报到上班。   甲:您叫什么名字?   ■ Plus Plus:   report for (duty)意为“报到入职”   该句还可以表达为:   I am newly employed and it"s my first day here.   我是个新员工,今天是我第一天上班。 2 Today is my first day. 今天是我第一天上班。A: Today is my first day.   B: Well, welcome to our team.   A: It"s my pleasure to join you.   甲:今天是我第一天上班。   乙:那么,欢迎你加入我们团队。   甲:加入你们是我的荣幸。   ■ Plus Plus:   和新同事见面寒暄时可以说:   I"m glad to be on board. 很高兴来这里上班。   It"s a pleasure for me to be a new member here. 我很高兴成为这里的一员。It"s my great honour to work with you. 能和您一起工作是我的荣幸。 3 Allow me to introduce myself. 我来自我介绍一下。A: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jonathan. Please call me John.   B: Good to have you as part of the team.   甲:我来自我介绍一下。我的名字是乔纳森,叫我约翰就好。   乙:很高兴你成为小组的一员。 4 I"m the new guy in Marketing. 我是行销部的新人。A: We haven"t met. I"m Matt, the new guy in Marketing.   B: Nice to meet you, Matt. I"m Lucy. We are in the same department.   A: Really? What do you do here?   B: I am responsible for selling.   甲:我们还没见过。我叫马特,是行销部的新人。   乙:很高兴见到你,马特。我是路西,我们在同一个部门。   甲:真的吗?你在部门里负责什么?   乙:我负责销售。   ■ Plus Plus:   We haven"t met.的意思是“我们还没正式见过面”。后面也可以加上表示“尚未”的yet,通常用于陌生同事间的相互介绍。   类似的说法还有:   I don"t believe we have met. 我想我们还没见过。   I don"t think we have met. 我想我们还没见过。 5 Good to know you. 幸会。A: Good to know you. Which section do you work in?   B: I am the new guy of Sales Department. My name is Tom. Glad to see you.   A: Oh, we are in the same department.   甲:幸会。你在哪个部门工作?   乙:我是销售部的新人,我叫汤姆,很高兴认识你。   甲:哦,我们是一个部门的。   ■ Plus Plus:   Which section do you work in? 相当于:   Which department do you work in?   常见的部门名称有:   人事部 Personnel Department   人力资源部 Human Resources Department   总务部 General Affairs Department   财务部 General Accounting Department   销售部 Sales Department   促销部 Sales Promotion Department   广告部 Advertising Department   企划部 Planning Department   产品开发部 Product Development Department 6 I"m looking forward to working with you. 我很期待与你们并肩合作。A: Welcome to join our team.   B: I"m looking forward to working with you.   A: I think our cooperation will be great.   甲:欢迎加入我们组。   乙:我很期待与你们并肩合作。   甲:我觉得我们的合作会很愉快。   ■ Plus Plus:   Welcome to join our team.也可以简单说成Welcome aboard.   I"m looking forward to doing sth.的意思是“期待做某事”,这里的to是介词,后面要跟名词、代词或动名词。例如:   I"m looking forward to your letter. 我期待收到你的回信。   I"ve been looking forward to seeing your plant. 我一直期待着参观你们的工厂。 7 I just joined the Sales Department. 我刚加入业务部门。A: It"s my first day today. I just joined the Sales Department.   B: Really? I am also a new staff here. I am in the Personnel Department.   A: Wow! Nice to meet you.   甲:今天是我第一天上班。我刚加入业务部门。   乙:真的吗?我也是新员工。我在人事部。   甲:哇!很高兴认识你。   ■ Plus Plus:   I just joined…表示“刚刚加入某部门”,表达所属部门情况时,还可以用I am subject to…,意思是“我隶属于……部门”。例如:   I am subject to the Department of Technical Support. 我隶属于技术保障部门。 8 I"m trying to remember everyone"s name. 我正试着记住每个人的名字。A: Nice to meet you. You must be Sam.   B: Yes. I am Sam. Nice to meet you too. And may I have your name?   A: Sure. I am Jim.   B: Oh, Jim, you know I just started working today. I"m trying to remember everyone"s name.   甲:很高兴见到你。你一定就是山姆了。   乙:是,我就是山姆。很高兴见到你。我能请问您的姓名吗?   甲:当然。我叫吉姆。   甲:哦,吉姆,你知道,我今天刚开始在这里工作。我正试着记住每个人的名字。   ■ Plus Plus:   新到一个工作岗位,面对整个部门的同事,有时难免会记不清别人的名字,这时就可以解释说:   I just started working today. I"m trying to remember everyone"s name.   通情达理的同事们一定会回答你:It"s fine.或That"s ok.   report v. 报到   employment n. 雇用look forward to 期盼   section n. 部门   be subject to 隶属于   try to do 尝试做
关键词: 很高 部门 还没
x 广告
x 广告

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