
2023-07-10 10:43:24 来源:万能知识网


候机大厅总是宽阔明亮又洁净,人群并不像车站那里汹涌,但也不缺人。美联英语小编为您整理候机大厅英语对话。Jasmine: Hi. Jack. The world is so small. How are you going?John: Fine. I"m going to London on business. What about you?Jasmine: I will reach Paris to visit my friends.John: When will your flight take off?Jasmine: It"s 8: 45 as scheduled.John: Then it"s time.Jasmine: But it is said that the flight has been delayed because of the fog.John: I"m sorry to hear that. How long will it be delayed?Jasmine: I"m not sure. At least three hours. What about your travelling?John: I will take Flight 345 to London.Jasmine: Will the plane leave on time?John: Yes. Its departure time is 6: 50.Jasmine: When can you board?John: I should board twenty minutes before the departure. Oh, my god. It"s time for me to board. See you.Jasmine:See you.美联英语为大家整理英语口语对话,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题,以下是候机大厅英语对话的译文。Jasmine:世界真小。过得怎样呀?John:很好,我要去伦敦出差,你呢?Jasmine:我要去巴黎拜访朋友。John:你的航班什么时候出发?Jasmine:按规定是8: 450John:到时间了。Jasmine:但是据说因为雾推迟了。John:很遗憾,推迟多长时间?Jasmine:不知道,少三个小时。你旅行的目的是什么呢?John:我要乘坐345航班去伦敦。Jasmine:飞机准点吗?John:是的。6: 50起飞。Jasmine:你什么时候可以登机?John:起飞前二十分钟。天哪,登机时间到了。再见了。Jasmine:再见。以上就是美联英语小编为你整理的候机大厅英语对话,不断的练习能快速提高英语听说能力,从实用的角度出来,真正让学英语为生活服务,学以致用才是学习的目的。美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。
关键词: 英语 大厅 小编
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