
2023-07-11 10:37:41 来源:万能知识网


英语学习在于应用,日常英语口语对话则是为实用了,韦博英语为各位同学提供常用英语口语、学商务英语口语方法、日常英语口语对话、口语交际、英语情景对话等...本篇是:节能用英语怎么说,希望对大家有所帮助。 A:I can"t believe how polluted the air is. I can hardly breathe. B:Yes. Pollution is hanging like a brown cloud over the city today. A:The air would be cleaner if people stopped driving and started taking buses. B:Well, that would help. But I don"t think cars are the only problems. A:What else do you think causes pollution? B:Well, the factories pollute the air a lot, too. Dirt and smoke are pouring from factories and spoiling the air. A:Yes, that"s quite true. But we can"t close down the factories, and people can drive less. B:Sure,but how are you getting people to do that? A:Well,I"d improve the bus service and charge less. B:That"s a good idea. A:我简直不敢相信空气被污染的程度,无法喘气了。 B:是啊!今天的污染像乌云一样遍布全城。 A:如果人们不开车,开始乘公汽,空气会好些。 B:也许有帮助,但我认为汽车不是惟一的原因。 A:还有什么? B:工厂。工厂的脏物、烟气的排放污染了空气。 A:的确,但我们不能关闭工厂,而人们可以少开车。 B:当然,但怎样才能使人们少开车呢? A:提高公交服务,少收费。 B:好主意。
关键词: 英语 英语口语 空气
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