
2023-07-12 10:45:21 来源:万能知识网


常用句子1.He is now between jobs.他正在待业中。  2. His reason for leaving his present employment is that he is desirous of getting broader experience in trading.他离职的理由是希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。  3. I am leaving our office to be with my father and care for my aged father ina distant city.我为照顾住在远地的年老父亲,而中请辞职。  4. He is desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter"s office.他希望在出口公司能获得更多的经验,故愿转职。  5. I left the company because I found a full-time job after graduation.毕业后因找到工作辞去兼职。  6. The only reason why I am leaving the present position is that I want a job to better myself.本人之所以离开目前的工作岗位,罕有的理由是为谋求更高的职位。  7. Unfortunately I have had to leave my position.很不幸地,本人不得不离职。  8. He left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.他离职是因为该公司即将倒闭。  9. He now wishes to enter an office where there is more opportunity for advancement.目前,他希望进人一家能提供升迁机会的公司。  10. He left them a week ago, owing to a disagreement with president Mr. Lee.  由于他与董事长李先生意见不合,一星期前辞职。  11.The only reason why he is leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office.他之所以离开目前的工作岗位,罕有的的理由是希望能在一家贸易公司获得更多的经验。情景对话A:Hi,Vicky. How is everything going?  嗨,维基,近怎么样?  B:So far so good.  凑活吧。  A:How about your work?  你工作怎么样啊?  B:I am thinking about resigning from my current job.  我在考虑辞掉我现在的工作。  A:Is it too hard?  那个很困难吗?  B:A bit...  有一点……  A:Have you thought about it seriously?  你认真地考虑了吗?  B:Yes, I have been thinking about it for quite a while. Now I finally make up my mind to leave. I have given my resignation letter to our boss yesterday.  恩,我考虑了很久。现在,我终于决定离开了。昨天我已经把辞职信交给我们老板。  A:OK, have you found a new company?  好吧.你找到新公司了吗?  B:Yes, I will move on to KLD Company.  是的,我将去KLD公司。  A:Good for you, but it is so nice to work with you.  好极了,但是和你一起工作很开心。  B:Thanks. I had learned so much from you guys.  谢谢。我从你们那里学到很多东西。  A:You are welcome.  不客气。
关键词: 工作 罕有 公司
x 广告
x 广告

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