去游泳用英语怎么说,我们可以如何正确表达自己的意愿呢?Is there a swimming pool nearby?这附近有游泳馆吗?How can I get to the swimming pool from here?从这里怎么走到游泳馆?Is the water in the swimming pool clean?游泳池里的水干净吗?What"s the depth of the pool?池水有多深?How about the temperature of the water?泳池水温是多少?What do I need to wear when I go swimming?我游泳的时候要穿什么?You need to wear a swimming cap, a swimming suit, ear plugs and goggles.你要带泳帽、泳衣、耳塞和泳镜。韦博英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入
去游泳用英语怎么说的情景中吧。G: This swimming pool is really large.这个游泳池真大。s: Yes, it is 50 meters wide and 100 meters long是的。它宽50米,长100米。G: How about the temperature of the water?水温怎么样?s: 29℃。29摄氏度。G: What"s the depth of the pool?泳池多深?S: The depth of the swimming pool changes constantly from shallow to deep. The deepest place is about 2 meters while the shallowest is 1.2 meters.泳池是逐渐从浅到深的,其中深处是2米,浅处是1.2米。G: I"m new to swim. I"m not good at swimming.我刚学游泳,我不擅长游泳。S: Don"t worry about it. You can make a practice in the shallow area of the pool at first, the lifeguard nearby is getting ready to help you whenever you need.不用担心!您可以先在浅水区练习,我们有救生员,随时在旁边帮助您。G: That"s good.那太好了。