新托福阅读基础必备技巧资料整理:广州朗阁教育更多关注:广州托福培训课程According to the Bulletin of the new TOEFL test, in the reading section, candidates will have todemonstrate their abilities to read textbooks, learned articles and other sources of information relevant toacademic education. Candidates will be expected to show that they can use the following reading skills: 1.skimming 2. scanning 3. getting the gist 4. distinguishing the main ideas from supporting details5. distinguishing fact from opinion6. distinguishing statement from example 7.deducing implicit ideas and information 8. deducing the use of unfamiliar words from context 9. understanding relations within the sentences 10. understanding relations across sentences and paragraphs 11. understanding the communicative function of sentences and paragraphs 依照根据新托福考试简章中的阅读部分,考生须充分展现其阅读课本,专业文章以及其他跟学科教育有关的信息的技能。希望考生们时以下技巧熟悉并掌握:1.泛读 2.浏览 3.抓住要点 4.区分中心意思和细节 5.区分事实和观点 6.区分陈述和事例 7.判断隐含意思和信息 8.根据上下文判断生词意思 9.理解各句间的关系 10.理解句子与段落间的关系 11.理解句子与段落的交际功能 The be,一way to improve your reading skills is to read frequently and to read many different types oftexts in various subject areas (science, social sciences, arts, business, etc).The internet is one of thebest resources for this, but any books, magazines, or journals are helpful as well. It is best to progress toreading texts that are more academic in style, the kind that would be found in university courses. In addition, you might try these activities: 1. Scan the passage to find and highlight key facts (dates, numbers, terms) and information. 2. Increase vocabulary knowledge, perhaps by using flashcards. 3. Rather than carefully reading each word and each sentence, practice skimming a passage quicklyto get a general impression of the main idea. 4. Choose some unfamiliar words in the passage and guess the meaning from the context (surroundingsentences). 5. Select all the pronouns (he, him, they,them, etc.)and identify which nouns each one refers to in the passage. 6. Practice making inferences and drawing conclusions based on what is implied in the passage as awhole. In the following, you will come across a variety of reading passages. Each passage is followed bysome multiple-choice questions. These questions cover a wide range of reading skills that are involved inthe test. The purpose of offering such exercises is to help you familiarize yourself with the basic skillsrequired in the reading section of the new TOEFL test. 比较好的提高阅读技巧的方法就是经常性的阅读不同类别、涉及领域面广的文章(如科学,社会科学,艺术,商业等)。互联网是比较好的资源之一,同样的像书籍,杂志,刊物也有很大帮助。比较好在选择文章的过程中多读大学课程中那些学术风格较强的文章。