
2023-08-01 10:58:04 来源:万能知识网




Peach blossom is our traditional garden flowers and trees the tree state is beautiful FuShu branches flowers well-developed colour is gorgeous for an important view of early spring flower.

Peach blossom is originated in northern and central China cultivation has a long history is now widely planted all over. Sex like sunshine cold and drought tolerant is not able to bear or endure water wet.


The smallest peach blossom is also in full bloom the red petals much like children"s red face seemed so lovely. The peach blossom deep wihin you cleansing just open a mouth petals is still not fully open revealing a beige hua-rui as if itis a shy little girl the face rises very red the corners of the mouth slightly out of some smile and like are not completely come out from the egg shell chicken just out of half a small head so interesting. Peach blossom bud is also very beautiful each circle red bud like a soft little nap and like YiZhanZhan small red lantern hanging in the branches the peach tree dress up unusually beautiful. The peach blossom packed with branch don"t you let me I don"t let you emulatively the fragrance and beauty dedicated to the earth.


Rose is the national flowers of Britain.Lots people like rose very much.The same as me.I always buy roses for my mum on her birthday.She likes rose very much too.In our class many girls think roses are the most beautful flower in the worldand me too.

When I have nothing to doI will go to the garden and water the roses.I like looking at them when I am triedsometimes I feel as if I am rose too.From Monday to FridayI need to do my homework and have no time to look after thembut I still like them very muchevery night before go to bedI will go to the garden and say “ good night” to my favourite flowerand tell them “ You are the best flower in my heart!”


Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of flower.For thousand yearsold China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure heart.Lovers are sweetly described as roses.Because they "re thought as beautiful as them.And there goes another old saying:sending anoher a banch of roses with good smell of roses in hand.

关键词: 英语 桃花 扶疏
x 广告
x 广告

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