英语一般是dinner或者supper,吃晚餐用英语一般是have dinner.知道了吃晚餐的英文说法后,我们再深入了解一下西方的晚餐,How would you like your steak?牛排你要几分熟?Come and taste it.快来尝尝吧。Dinner is ready. Call your daddy to the table.晚餐准备好了,叫你爸爸一起来吃吧。Would you help me clear the table?能过来帮我收拾盘子吗?A: Mommy, when will we have dinner? I"m starving.B: Soon, honey.A: How would you like your steak?B: I"d like my steak well-done.A: OK. Dinner is ready. Call your daddy to the table.B: Wow. This dish smells good. My mouth is watering.A: Come and taste it. Oh, don"t forget to eat all of yourvegetables this time.(after dinner)A: Honey, would you help me clear the table?B: Sure, mom, and I"ll dry the dishes.A: Good boy.A:妈妈。我们什么时候吃完饭?我都饿了。B:很快,宝贝。A:牛排你要几分熟?B:我想要熟透的牛肉。A:好的。晚餐准备好了,叫你爸爸一起来吃吧。B:哇,这道菜问起来好香呢,我口水都出来了。A:快来尝尝吧。哦,对了,这次你要把青菜都要吃光。(晚餐后)A:宝贝,能过来帮我收拾盘子吗?B:当然,妈妈,一会我来擦盘子。A:好孩子。