
2023-08-06 10:51:04 来源:万能知识网


商务英语关于公司介绍的英语对话-深圳新世界教育经典句型:Now that we have been intreduced,may I make a presentation on our company"s activities?  既然我们已互相介绍过了,我想针对本公司的活动做一下简介。  Here is our company"s most recent annual report.  这是本公司新的年度报告。  I see your sales have been growing quite steadily over the past ten years.  我看到你们的销售额在过去10年来一直稳定地增长。  If you have any questions , please raise them any lime.  如果你们有任何问题,请随时提出。  I Would appreciate it if you could hold your questions until I finish my presentation .  如果各位不介意的话,我希望各位能在我做完简介之后再发问。  What are the main items you export?  你们主要的出商品是什么?  That"s under our line of business.  那是我们的经营范围!  The catalogues will give you a good idea of the products we handle.  这些样本目录会使你对我们经营的产品有一个很好的了解。  Can you tell me something about your company?  你能不能告诉我有关贵公司的情况?  The annual output vale reached one hundred million yuan last year,that is,about 15 million in US dollars.  去年年产值达1亿元,大约相当于1500万美元。  What is your market share?  你们公司的市场占有率是多少?模仿对话:A : So what"s the name of your company ?  B: It"s " Futian AROMATIC Peanut Oil Factory". Threeyears ago it was transformed into a stock company .  A :What is your company"s main product  B:Our leading product is AROMATIC Brand Peanut Oil. Itsells fast in many big cities all over China and hasrecently been exported to Western Europe.  A: How much is your annual production of Iwanut oil ?  B:W"e produce more than 300,000 tons every year.  A: Are there any other products in your company ?  B: Yes, besides peanut oil we also produce other edible oils, eggs, vegetables and animal food to meet the. market demand.  A: How many departments are there in your company?  B: This stock conmpany consists of seven departments: Production, Purchasing, Finance, Auditing, Investment & securities,Marketing and R&D.  A: How many staff doyou have?  B : We have 700 staff in al I so far. 40% of them have Bachelor"s degree.  A :Good. You see, we"re interested in estahlishing a joint venture with a Chinese partner . Itseems your company is one of our choice. But one more thing I"d like to know is yourFinancial standing.  B : I can assure you that we have a sound financial standing . You can consult our banks , theICBC, Fuzhou.  A : May I ask about your capital ?  B:Yes, our registered capital is RMB 30 million yuan. We were listed on the Shenzhen StockExchange a year ago, and presently we have a market capitalization of 60 million yuan. Listyear, our net profit was 10 million yuan.  A : Very impressive. Thank you for your information.  B : Not at all. WS"e look forward to your positive news.深圳新世界教育老师译文:A:你们公司叫什么名字?  B"福田芬芳花生油厂”。它是三年前转为股份公司的。  A:你们公司的主要产品是什么?  B:我们的主要产品是芬芳牌花生油。这种花生油在全中国许多大城市都很畅销,近来已向西欧出口。  A:你们的花生油年产量如何?  B:我们年产量超过30万吨。  A:你们公司还有其他产品吗?  B:有,除了花生油,我们还生产其他食用油、蛋类、蔬菜类、动物饲料,以满足市场需求。  A:你们公司有多少部门?  B:这家股份公司有七个部门,包括生产部、采购部、财务部、审计部、投资证券部、营销部及研发部。  A:你们有多少员工?  B:到目前为止,我们共有700名员工,40%拥有学士学位。  A:不错。你知道,我们有兴趣与一家中国伙伴建立合资企业。看来你们公司是我们的选择对象之一。但我还想了解一下你们的财务状况。  B:我可以向您确保我们的财务状况非常好。您可以到我们的银行询问一下,即福州的中国工商银行。  A:我可否询问一下你们的资金情况?  B:可以。我们的注册资金为人民币3000万元。我们是一年前在深圳股票交易所注册上市的。目前我们市场融资6000万元。去年我们的纯利润为1000万元。  A:非常好.谢谢您提供的信息。  B:不客气。我们期待您的好消息。 以上是深圳新世界教育小编整理的商务英语关于公司介绍的英语对话的学习内容。
关键词: 你们的 新世界 英语
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