
2023-08-07 10:58:59 来源:万能知识网


01.The film features many well-known actors.   很多明星参加这部电影的演出。   02.Who is the host of the variety show?   这个综艺节目的主持人是谁?   03.What is the subject of that talk show?   那个脱口秀的主题是什么?   04.Who is in this movie?   这部电影是谁演的?   05.Jackie Chan is a very famous movie star in Hong Kong.   成龙是一位非常有名气的香港电影明星。   06.He was promoted as he new Bruce.   人们尊称他为李小龙二世。   07.Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies.   玛丽·碧克馥是无声电影的明星。   08.My favorite film star is Marilyn Monroe.   我喜欢的电影明星是玛丽莲·梦露。   09.In his last film he starred as a cowboy.   他在近的一部影片中主演一位牛仔。   10.She is a bankable movie star.   她是一个很有票房率的电影明星。   11.He is a television star.   他是一个电视明星。   12.These three film stars seemed like old friends from the beginning.   从一开始,这三位电影明星看起来就一见如故。   13.The football star declined to answer the news writer"s question.   那位足球明星拒绝回答新闻记者的提问。   14.He is a very popular folk singer.   他是一位很受欢迎的民歌手。   15.Tom is a rising star.   汤姆是一个后起之秀。
Jackie Chan MoviesJennifer: Did you see the latest Jackie Chan movies?   Michael: Which one?   Jennifer: “The Karate Kid” . I just saw it last night with my friend Lisa. It"s amazing!   Michael: No, I haven"t seen it yet. But I saw “The Spy Next Door” . I thought that was good.   Jennifer: I think Jackie Chan is great.   Michael: Really? Why? He isn"t very handsome.   Jennifer: No, but he"s got character. He can act with a lot of depth. What about “Rush Hour” ? Did you see that?   Michael: Yes, I did.   Jennifer: To me, that is the classic Jackie Chan movie. He is perfect for it.   Michael: It"s interesting you like him so much. Usually I think girls don"t like him. They like more handsome actors.   Jennifer: That"s not always true. But I like some very handsome actors. Like Brad Pit. But I don"t like an actor just because he is handsome.   Michael: I see. 成龙的电影珍尼弗:你看过成龙的新电影吗?   迈克尔:哪一部?   珍尼弗:《新龙威小子》。昨晚我和我的朋友丽莎去看了,真叫人惊叹。   迈克尔:我还没去看,不过我看过《邻家特工》,觉得不错。   珍尼弗:我觉得成龙很棒。   迈克尔:真的啊?为什么?他又不是很帅。   珍尼弗:不过他很有个性,演得很有深度。《尖峰时刻》呢?你看过吗?   迈克尔:是的,我看过。   珍尼弗:我觉得那是成龙的经典之作,他演得很棒。   迈克尔:你这么喜欢他,实在是太有趣了。我觉得通常女生不喜欢他,她们喜欢帅的男演员。   珍尼弗:不全是如此。我也喜欢一些非常帅的演员,像布拉德·皮特。不过我不会只是因为一个男演员帅就喜欢他。   迈克尔:我明白了。   以上就是西安汉普森英语小编为大家整理关于明星的英语对话。平时多去英语角,多与人用英语聊天,创造多的情景对话,使用能飞英语学习软件创造近似真实的语言训练环境是练习英语会话的不二法门,小编建议您走出去参加英语角,或者参加西安汉普森英语口语培训班进行系统的学习。
关键词: 英语 成龙 明星
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